Ch#30 I am Ready

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Ch#30 I am Ready

We gathered around in a corner of the main room trying to decipher everything that Mr.Hudson told us. We somewhat knew what kind of a person Dave was, but we could not even fathom that he was such a monster.

"Killing his own parents. Gruesome." Beth shuddered.

"There's not much of a hope left anymore. Tackling Dave wouldn't be easy", Ellis voiced out.

"What are we supposed to do now?", Yohan asked.

A part of me was dying in worry thinking about our dark future which would end here. But another part of me could not stop thinking about how this Academy is a rehabilitation centre in disguise.

"Guys. Keeping Dave aside, have you given a thought on how Stoneridge is actually a rehabilitation center?", I slowly began.

"Where are you trying to lead us? You want us to admire this great idea right now? Keeping our lives at stake?", Ellis snapped at me.

"No, you dumbhead! Think about it. You guys were enrolled here being told that this is a boarding school. But your parents, your guardians knew that this is a rehabilitation center. Why do you think they did so?", I tried to make them understand.

All three of them gave me a blank look, not being able to grasp the meaning of their parents' actions.


I rolled my eyes and continued, "Guys, they willingly enrolled you here to heal your wounds, to overcome your past. They did not abandon you."

"Are you out of your mind!? Do you understand what we have been through!? We know our families the best, Alana. So stop trying to act all smart", Ellis barked.

Well I did expect that from him, but not from Yohan and Beth.

"He's right, Alana. You don't know about our families well", Yohan agreed with him.

"Besides, you always had your family with you. So you wouldn't understand the pain of being abandoned by your family", Beth complied too.

I thought they were mature enough to understand this.

"Guys, that can't be true. No matter how much a parent hates their child, they would never abandon them. Think about it, Yohan. Your parents became angry at you when they came to know that you were bullied. That anger was for those bullies which was wrongly directed at you. And Ellis, if your father hated you so much, he wouldn't have even let you in his house in the first place. And Beth-"

"Stop it", Beth cut in my words.

"You won't be able to find any reason for me. The only thing my aunt wanted was my Dad's money. She did not care about me to even think about enrolling me into such an institution. Stop assuming things, Alana." I saw pain in her eyes.

In a way, they are right. I can never understand the pain they have been through. I always had my family to support me, to help me go through my pain. But they did not. However, I believe their families did not abandon them. Before I could try to speak anything more, Terrence and Matt, the spies, approached us.

"Alana. Dave is calling for you. Come with us", Terrence said monotonously. I furrowed my brows in confusion. "What makes you think that I will follow you obediently?", I asked him.

"I know you won't. And so I'll have to take a sacrificial lamb in your stead."

What the hell does he mean? I looked at the guys for clue, but they too seemed as clueless as myself. Terrence was about to speak something but Matt beat him to it.

"Alana, please. You are the only one who can stand against Dave."

I was totally confused. Is he with Dave or with us?

"What do you mean?", Ellis barked while Terrence walked away from us. Matt, who saw him walking away, sighed and answered Ellis.

"Dave is not a human. He is a sadistic monster and that monster is hungry right now. It has been weeks now since he laid a finger on any of the students here. He wants someone to beat the crap out of them. If we won't take someone to him....", he faltered. His gaze fell on Terrence and I followed it. I saw Louis treating Terrence's bleeding arm. I was shocked. Dave not only abused us but also his spies? This shouldn't be surprising. He even killed his best friend's daughter, a spy working for him wouldn't even matter to him.

"So you are asking Alana to protect you by giving her life to Dave?", Beth hissed. She has a point.

"She's right. You guys collect information from us and report them to Dave and its consequences are faced by the students here. And now after all that you guys have done, you want me to help you? Just so that you guys don't get a scratch." I couldn't believe the absurd request he was making.

"That's not what I mean, Ala-". I didn't let him speak.

"I don't care what you mean! Right now there is no guarantee about our own life. We can't tell when, at what moment Dave would kill us just so that he can earn some money by selling us. And you are asking me to walk into the lion's den when the lion is waiting for its prey to walk up to him on its own feet? Well, fuck off, you shit face!", I breathed out in anger while Matt only sighed.

"Alana, please. Hear me out first. I am not asking you to protect us. I am requesting you to protect your friends from dying."

I furrowed my brows in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"If not you, we'll have to take someone else from the Base to Dave. In this state, they won't be able to fight him and he might just kill them, then and there. But you, you are different. You are the one who got rid of their fears. You brought back their fighting spirit. If someone else besides you goes up there tonight, we might not be able to see them ever again. But if it's you, I'm sure you can fight him. You have that confidence, that spirit in you. You are the only one who will be able to come back alive. And above all, Dave fears you."

We were taken aback from his words. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't sure whether or not I could save the others from this Base tonight. But I sure am burning with determination to bring an end to all of this. I don't know how, but somehow, I will save them all. I have to.

I am ready to fight you,  Dave.

I am ready to save them.

I am ready.

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