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My happiest moments (in no particular order):

-Graduating high school at 17 on a stormy day.
-Hating sparring and then becoming really good at it.
-Chatting with randoms in the AOL chats until early morning
-Talking on the phone until I fell asleep and I hate talking on the phone, lol.
-Meeting you at our spot, Exit 68
-You surprising me at my front door when you said you were at home
-Watching Zorro 2 and Duece Jigglo the Male Gigglo
-Receiving drawings
-Coming 3rd at World Championships TKD tournament
-Receiving warm hugs
-Playing with your faux hawk hairstyle
-Halloween fest night with friends
-Taking silly pictures
-Every single car adventure. Every single one.
-Nerf gun fights in the house
-Butterfly kisses
-Falling asleep in your lap while watching a movie
-Doing well in BJJ class and getting a stripe
-Seeing tears in your eyes on the day we swore to love each other forever
-Becoming a mother 3 times.
-Trip to Kentucky & North Carolina
-Trips to casinos when I got carded
-The Haunted Maze
-Watching our kids and you play
-Your eyes when you talked about the latest anime episode you've watched
-You always made sure I was safe
-Always held my hands
-Our family time
-Your old Halloween costumes (Michael Myers and the Vampire one)
-You loved that tool bag I got you
-Celebrating our daughters' achievements at school
-The day the Pontiac motor blew up
-Asking me for my opinions on your car  aesthetics.
-Looking at old photos and memories
-Our swears upon Kaleb on the adventures that awaits us. The "old people" adventures.

I could think of think of so much more. Like the time we ran out of gas in Arby's parking lot or caught a flat on the side of the interstate.

So, much more that doubly outnumbered the petty arguments.
It wasn't enough.

I tell myself to get over it.
It's the past.
It means nothing now.
But, I can't.
It's all I think about.

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