Chapter 1

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I was in a hurry to brush my teeth and get to bed. I had finished all my chores early just for this night. Cold water splashed and dripped down on my face as I washed it. In a snap I finished skincare and got all my plushies and throw pillows off my bed. Meditation was an important part of shifting so I did it before I went to bed and a few other times during the day. Keeping a positive mindset was another and I tried very hard to that. I unplugged all my fairy lights and turned off my LED lights all around my room to ensure the room was very dark even though I had a slight fear of the dark since I was little. My parents questioned about me in such a rush to get to bed. I am not a very motivated person and usually pretty lazy. But I've been trying to shift for weeks now. I read a little bit of 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban' of course I had already read the entire series, but I wanted to shift to this era in the timeline. I had read over my script and I added some music with no lyrics quietly while I read. I then laid down in a star position and began counting to 100 and reciting my script as I did. everything went black. I opened my eyes.

"What's your problem?!" a boy with bleach blonde hair yelled at me. I realized that I was not in the same clothes I went to bed in. I was at platform 9 3/4. I felt my hair was in a tight braid I looked down at my robes and my house was Gryfindor! I had put in my script that it gives me my true hogwarts house since I was bad at making choices. Oh how terrific! I am able to shift! FINALLY I DID!! Internally I was bursting with joy but kept it on a low since I know there are other people around.
"HEY! Listen to me you idiot!!" the boy shouted again I then realized that I was inches away from Draco Malfoy! He quickly looked me up and down.
'he's quite pale' I thought to myself.
"ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?" Draco shouted. I had gotten sidetracked so many times by this whole new world.
"oh sorry!" I said quickly he was much more handsome than I imagine. Two tall gingered haired boys came up behind us and said
"Hey! y/n!" they said at the same time.

it was Fred and George Weasley! I had made sure to put I was friends with them in the script. I ran and hugged them. they both were my favourite characters due to the fact we share the same birthday and that their major pranksters. I sniffed in. They smelt like pine trees, maple, warm bacon and eggs and fresh yarn. Draco looked very angry and upset. I wondered was his problem. He was the one yelling at me in the first place. He should be glad I chose to ignore him than throw hands. Plus I apologized already what more could he want? For me too kiss his feet and worship the ground he walks on?
I boarded the train. The classic train to Hogwarts. I have ridden on multiple trains before this so I knew it would feel normal in that sense. Especially since everything in this reality was not. I can't believe I am here. I sat down with Fred and George. Not to long till I few very familiar faces from the movies. I looked out the window longingly. It was quite a beautiful view compared to were I am from. I probably seemed crazy to Fred and George since this is my third year here and I should be used to this. I did take a small nap and ordered some things from the food cart and obviously got some for Fred and George since they seemed bummed when it went by. Luckily I had put in my script I have unlimited money and always some on me. We soon arrived at Hogwarts. I was so excited to finally see the building. With my own eyes too! As soon as the doors opened I was eager to see. George and Fred had a difficult time keeping up. Possibly from me bolting everywhere or that I made them carry my luggage. I made and excuse saying Oh I burnt my arm while cooking. They soon dropped it off where all the other luggage was.

The great hall would be the first building I see. I was practically leaping with joy. I followed everyone else in my year but they were quite slow. The building was painted with the night sky on the ceiling. (Not actually but it was so cool). There were candles floating everywhere kinda surprised this place hasn't lit on fire yet.

Everyone finally finished getting sorted which was kinda boring. But then food all appeared! I was so hungry. Everything looked so amazing. The turkey was making my mouth water intensely. I now understand why Ron enjoyed the food here and often ate like he was starving. Once I ate almost until I was full dessert was being served and I felt like I was about to die. But reluctantly ate it ignoring my stomach. As soon as I entered to dorm I was sharing with the other girls I fell on the bed. My stomach was quite full and I was so ready to sleep. I wrapped the blankets over myself and drifted to sleep.

I am trying to fix errors and making the first few chapters longer since I was dumb and made them short so yeah...

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