Chapter 11

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Fred wasn't there I assumed he left. I felt really guilty but it looked like George was about to leave as he was talking to Madam Pomfrey. I was pretty sure Fred and George were quite frequent visitors. George saw me and walked on up saying,
"Quick thinking there Miss Claire!"
"Well I knew something was wrong with that candy... I'm really sorry by the way!" I quickly said.
"Oh this is nothing I play quidditch remember?" He said chuckling.

I walked with him out of the hospital wing. We had some small chat I was just mostly glad he was okay and I wasn't going to get into trouble. George later parted with me and went into the common room. I continued walking around unsure as to where to go. The halls looked so magical like an ancient castle which is pretty much what is was. I heard running footsteps following me and panting breath.
"Wait up!" Harry's familiar voice shouted. I turned he had my book bag. I came to a stop as he continued running to catch up to me.
"You forgot this at the lake... also I didn't know you and Malfoy were a thing.." he sounded quite hurt near the end. Was he snooping through MY personal stuff?!
"what makes you think that?! And why were you snooping?!" I said hotly.

"I wasn't snooping but the letter he sent you one night slipped out.. I thought you two were a thing since mostly couples or people who like each other keep letters.." He said knowingly. I sighed I knew he was right. I grabbed my bag and grabbed the letter out of it and threw it in a garbage bin.
"Can you promise not to snoop through my stuff again?" I said holding out my pinky.
"Pinky promise?" I added. He rolled his eyes and grabbed my pinky with his.
"Sure I guess." I gave him a big hug realizing he was still wearing my sweater I thought he like. He noticed I was looking at it.
"Here you can have it back now." He said trying to take it off showing a bit of his stomach while trying. I put it back on him and said,
"You can keep it! I have plenty." He got a bit red and I walked away headed for the common room.

Fred and George were gossiping then looked up and saw me enter. Fred turned the same color as his hair and ran into the boy's dorm. George laughed.
"What was that all about?" I asked quite confused.
"Oh nothing for you to worry about!" He stalked off to the boys dorm following were Fred went. I went into the girls. Lavender was cutting about some pictures I didn't see much of it though mostly red hair. I walked over to my bed and closed the drapes. I opened up a book and laid down and began reading through the pages.
It became time for dinner I rushed down into the great hall I was starving! I sat down beside Hermione. She didn't mind. Fred sat down next to me a George sat across from Fred. Ron sat next to Harry who was beside George.
(Confusing I know right!) We all are making small talk then the I felt eyes staring at me it was Draco. Hermione turned around and saw. She whispered in my ear,
"Malfoy is staring at you..." I whispered back
"I know I can feel his gaze it's-" I was cut off by Ron,
"What are you two whispering bout?"
We both glanced at each other knowing it would be better that to be talking about Malfoy.
"Nothing!" We said in at the same time. Harry and Ron both exchanged confused glances then shrugged it off.

After dinner I was headed to the common room but Harry, Ron and Hermione ran off without me, which left me walking alone. I was suddenly pulled into a closet with someone's hand on my mouth. I could tell it was a boy I felt his free hand on my waist pulling me in. I struggled but he was stronger the more I struggled the harder he squeezed. He turned me around and there I saw Malfoy.
"What is wro-" I started shouting. He then kissed me I was taken aback. Then he quickly stepped away and put his index finger on my lips as to tell me to be quite. I had always had a crush on Draco in my actual reality, I was on Dracotok and was following Tom Felton and joined his live streams. He was much more pressing then I thought. He kissed me again. I pushed him back. I didn't want this I didn't want my first kiss this! I stormed out of the closet and ran towards the girls dormitory I reached me bed and closed the drapes I softly began to cry. Hermione entered I could hear her voice saying goodnight to the boys. She stopped must've heard my sniffles she opened my drapes once she saw me she gasped.

"Oh my what happened?" She said completely shocked. "Was it Fred and George?!"
"No... Malfoy.." I sniffed in. Hermione wiped my tears she then came walking with me down the halls she knew I couldn't stay in bed cause the other girls could hear we stopped at an empty hall.
"What happened?" She asked her voice full of concern. My eyes became at the same level as hers.
"He pulled me into a closet I thought it was someone trying to kidnap me... but he spun me around and I saw Draco I began yelling at him but he stopped my and kissed me he then hushed me then tried kissing me again!" I wailed I heard footsteps leading away from us some one was listening in on our conversation! I glanced at her she heard them too we followed the steps until we came to a stop.
"Turn around!" Hermione ordered. I knew she knew how sensitive I was about my emotions. They began to turn around it was...

Haha! Next chapter you will find out try to guess who you think it'll be!

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