Chapter 15

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I was sitting down at breakfast all alone. Harry and Ron avoided me while Hermione decided to skip breakfast for studying. Fred sat next to me after I was sitting there playing with my scrambled eggs.
"Hey there.." Fred said. I looked up but said nothing.
"So... is it true?" He asked. With a confused looks on my face I think Fred knew I had no idea what I was talking about.
"About you sleeping with Malfoy?" He gulped mid way before he said Draco's last name. I gasped. That- that bitch! My emotions were mixed. I told her that that was none of her business. Yet she had to tell the whole school! Dumb Hermione!
"OF COURSE NOT YOU IDIOT!" I ran out my eyes blurry with tears I didn't know were I was going and frankly I didn't care I ran into someone.
"Sorry!" I said cutting myself off with sniffs and I left the person there.
"Wait! (Y/n)!" Blaise's voice rang to my ears I stopped rested my back on a wall and brought my knees to my chest. Blaise sat next to me.
"What's wrong?" He asked his voice gentle and soft.
"Hermione I'm pretty sure" I sniffled "I think she made a rumour that i slept with Draco..." I said. I couldn't believe her! She was suppose to be my friend. Then she came up to me. The last person I wanted to see.
"You bitch! How could you? We're suppose to be friends!" I shouted at her. She was taken aback.
"I didn't say anything.... it was Draco...." she said sounding as if she were about to cry. Sudden rage came through out me. THAT ANNOYING STUPID IDIOT SAD EXCUSE FOR A HUMAN BEING! HIS PARENTS AND HIM ARE BASICALLY WIZARD NATZIS!
Blaise could sense the rage. I was breathing heavily.
"Let's not do something we might regret..." he said trying to keep his voice calm. Fred came out looking for me.
"Oh there you are!" He said I quickly ran and hugged him I felt bad for yelling and him. He usually knew how to make me feel better.
"I'm headed towards the black lake wanna join?" He asked. Blaise stood up.
"Sure can Blaise come too?" I responded. Blaise seem shocked while Fred was disappointed.
"Sure I guess..." he mumbled.

Fred was telling me old memories of his family or his legendary pranks. Blaise sat there uncomfortable. I later was collected and good. Which was good cause I had class soon. I entered it was herbolagy with hufflepuff. We had to do partner work but no one wanted to be partners not even Hermione. I assumed she was still mad at me for lashing out on her. Harry had went with some hufflepuff. Then there was me. Apparently we had an odd number so I was working alone. I sat down as she was teaching us some good potting methods for next class. I was trying to listen and not let my tears show. I hated Malfoy he made me sick. None of my friends wanted to talk to me they hated me. I can't believe him. So full of his god damn self! Ugh! Just thinking about him makes me sick.

"So how was class?" Fred was waiting for me. I ran and hugged him and Ron gave a looked of disgust. He dragged Fred away from me I assumed they were talking about me. Fred understood. He was like a teddy bear. I went to the next class alone. This time of Draco were to pull me into another closet I was ready to punch him out. I entered transfiguration. One class I was really good at without trying. Today we were turning cats into wooden block. I was distracted so a cat and a block stood on my desk. Mcgongall was disappointed. I kept petting the cat as it purred. Ron sat next to me in this class Fred told him to trust me. Better than sitting next to Seamus I thought to myself.
After long boring classes it was finally over. I went to find Draco. He was with his goons.
"Back for round two I see?" I punched him square in the face.
"You monster!" I yelled at him. He told Crabbe and Goyal to run along and he would catch-up.
"I told you I didn't like you getting along with Harry and Ron... so I made that rumour so that they would leave you alone!" He explained.
"Well it worked half the school hates me because of your jealousy and selfishness!" I yelled. He slapped me across the face hurting my jaw. I left that idiot. Running up to the portrait I entered and began crying Fred, George, Ron and Harry were all there. I didn't want them seeing me in this state so I went up to the girls dormitory. Once I entered everyone else left. Someone knocked.
"Hey... can I come in?" Ron's voice said.
Muffled by my pillow I said
"Come in!" I didn't want to be here. This was suppose to be fun I didn't want this. "Jumanji..."

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