Chapter 6

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I am usually quick when it comes to chores. The chores which I had to do for today were easy I had to fold laundry and clean my room after that I do dishes. I do most of my chores in the morning so then I don't have to rush them all at night. I had to put a load of laundry in the wash and then fold the load in the dryer. My room was quite tidy since I couldn't really concentrate in a messy room dealing with homework and all that. Dishes was the last one which was after breakfast while my mom does the ones after supper. Breakfast dishes are probably the easiest dishes to do. I do meditation at 3:00 and 6:00 and then before I shift. I try to keep a positive mind set while doing it as well. I brushed my teeth then did my night time skincare routine. I read my script and one sentence caught my eye
-I will not get attached to my desired reality
What if I did get attached? What if I can't let go? I continued reading and finshed I did yoga and a little work out. It helps me fall asleep if I am all tired out then I texted Ella real quick,

Going to shift again to night if I can! Texts ya the details when I wake up!

I texted my boyfriend next

Night babe <3 hope your day was great!

Satisfied with my effort to make a good night text, I headed to sleep. I loved him of course but he usually texts me pretty bad good night texts. He is also quite the dry texter. I went into a star position and felt tingling in my arms and legs. I usually kept still and tensed some muscles every now and then. It's not a very good method but I pulled through.
I opened my eyes I was at the table! Right we're I had left off to shift back. I remembered that I had put that if I wanted to I can go back to where I was in the storyline. So it was kinda like a pause button.
Harry's gaze met mine.
"Is it true you went to see Malfoy after school hours? Like hours we aren't suppose to be awake?" He asked me. I felt a bit of pressure. I really don't do well under pressure. Fred and George went to go sit with their other friends probably to escape this awkward situation. Fred seemed a bit off but I brushed it off. Why would he of all people be upset at me for breaking rules? I tried to look at anything but Harry's eyes. Ron was sitting next to Harry trying to find something else to look at other than his friend and me. I saw him shuffle from being uncomfortable quite a bit. But I don't really know him and the last time I saw him since potions so what's his deal? I knew the situation was awkward but Hermione was looking smug and smiled at me. She told him undoubtedly. She's probably gonna be sorry with the outcome. I was unsure if it were Malfoy or her. Malfoy probably would've bragged about it. "Well?" He semi loud. I was snapped out of my thoughts. I try to stay as calm as I possibly could before I would yell. I gulped and said as steady as I could. I was a pretty sensitive person.
"Yeah... we didn't really do anything. It was quite boring and-" I began to say. Harry seemed to not want to hear anymore and left the table to sit with Ginny. I saw both of them giving me cross glances.
Hermione realized she messed up. She got up from her seat to comfort me. I stood up shook my head at her.
"Y/n wait-" I quickly walked out trying not to cry. I felt a huge lump in the back of my throat. I felt guilt for seeing him. I left the great hall as I did I felt everyone's stares burning into my skin. I left on my way to the Gryffindore corridor. I heard footsteps following me.
"Hey! Wait up!" I recognize the voice it was Fred or George. One of them.

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