Chapter 18

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As soon as I left the closet I ran into George. Perfect just who I needed to get a rumour going. "Ah George! I was hoping to run into you!" He looked confused.
"Why? Do you need something?" He asked.
"Would you be willing to spread a rumour?"
He looked shocked.
"I can't it's for bad I can tell!"
"It's about Draco!" He paused and grinned.
"I'm in!"
"Draco made the rumour we were sleeping together right? Well I need you to tell people he was moaning and shouting hmmm..."
I paused wonder who's name I could pick.
"His fathers name!" I grinned and beamed proud of myself. Then he'll have to say they are false
"Wicked I'll go tell some gossip girls aka lavender!" He bolted off. Perfect. My plan was unfolding itself.

Of course the word went around quick. I mean he went to lavender she knew at least 4-5 people from each house! I mean everyone knew except Malfoy I think. He hadn't come kill me yet so I'm sure he didn't. It was my free block I was with Fred and George talking about how we should prank people and who. Then Malfoy and his goons started stomping their way over. Malfoy looked so angry his eyes gleamed with rage. "YOU FILTHY LITTLE HALFBLOOD! YOU MADE ME LOOK LIKE A FOOL!" He yelled at me Fred, George and I took out our wands.
"Sorry I just thought since you could spread rumours so can I-" I was cut off Malfoy he casted a spell I'm not sure which one because I was knocked out in a flash.

I woke up in the hospital wing.
"Huh?.." I said groggily. Hermione turned her head from Harry. "Your awake!" She hugged me ever so tightly. I was still confused. "Ron go get the twins or Fred he'll be happy to see her!" She exclaimed. I was yet again confused.
"What happened?" I asked she ignored me once again.
"Everyone at school has been worried about you!" I didn't know why I mean I was probably only knocked out for at least two days.
"You were unconscious for a month!" I gasped. A whole month. I'm going to be behind in school. I won't even know what happened to Draco! Just then Fred came dashing in George and Ron huffing for breath.

"Thank heavens your ok!" Fred exclaimed. I hugged him back oh how I missed his scent. "I'm not sure if you remember but we" signalling to himself, me and George. "We're talking about pranking people before Malfoy came." He tensed by saying the name. "In honour of you we pulled every single prank we talked about!" He said excitedly.
"Without me! Aw man!" I said pretending to be upset. He pulled me into one more hug. Madam Pomfrey came in and saw me. Her eyes filled with delight, then she turned to everyone by my bedside.
"I told you kids to get me when she wakes not a bunch of your friends and her boyfriend!" She scolded them. Fred backed away from me turning the same color as his hair.

"Sorry professor..." they all said in unison. I gave them a half hearted smile. "Out all of you! She needs rest!" Ron looked confused. "Wasn't she just in a coma for a month? Like completely sleeping?" He asked. Madam Pomfrey shoved them out. "It means wanting a break from idiots like you!" She snapped. I giggled. I looked around it was pretty empty except for Cedric Diggory. He had a twisted or fractured ankle from what it looked like. He looked across at me then smiled
"You're finally awake! How was your nap?" He asked in a mocking voice. Again fed up with shananigins she shut the curtain on the side he was on.
Finally I was free from the hospital wing and went down to the common room, changed my robes and once again headed down for breakfast. She thought after one more night in the hospital I should be able to be let out if I did some working out and moving muscles. She wanted me to continue coming back to her for new stretches every few days. Malfoy was sitting with his goons once he saw me entered he quickly avoided looking my way. I sat down next to Fred. He always kept them spot across or next to him free for both me and George.
"I am so hungry! It feels like I haven't eaten in forever!" I laughed out. We all had small talk around the table taking turns talking about stories and what I had missed. Mostly about Harry and him being dumb with his friends. They told me about Buckbeak which broke my heart. Then Fred spoke about new information.
"You had gotten many owls y'know?" I was confused. No one in my family was a wizard or witch except my Uncle who passed away.

"I thought maybe me and you could read some of them together..?" He asked not sounding to confident. "Sure that would be" I was cut off.
"No! You'll be studying with me in the library to catch up on what you had missed for the past month!" Hermione said in way so that I couldn't argue. I shrugged at Fred.
"Maybe next time.." I said. He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled half heartedly.
"Yeah.... maybe..."

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