Chapter 2

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I heard Hermione calling my name and shaking me. I suddenly woke up. I took a deep breath and smelt fire, trees specifically oak, and old books. It's gonna take a while to get used to this. I did some skincare, brushed my teeth then did some makeup. After that was all finished and taken care of I got dressed in my robes. I headed on over to potions which was with Slytherin. I always didn't mind them but Draco sometimes got... distracting.. he was quite happy and smug in class. I knew this from the books of course and some incidents that happened after sorting. He was always whispering in others ear or making fun of a student or the class in general.

Since I had read all the books I knew he was hurting on the inside. Maybe he needed a way to feel powerful like his dad over him.
"Since you guys are third years you guys should know by now we are getting right to it. Today I will review the potion and you will make it."Snape said swiftly and in an incredibly boring matter.

I was partners with Harry which is odd Hermione didn't like the idea but Ron did. I was wonder what was going up.. we both helped on the potion and then came the time for Snape to inspect. I didn't really know what potion it was but Snape said that would be revealed before the end of class. I couldn't hear but Draco mumbled something to one of his friends.  Probably talking about Harry. As I was distracted Ron gave Harry a thumbs up. Harry sniffed in and said out loud.
"Who made a potion that smells like, pine trees, honey and" Harry took another sniff.
"fresh yarn?"
I thought about a which potion smells like that but I couldn't think of one. Then I smelled it.
I took a quick wiff
"No it smells like maple and pine trees fresh yarn- wait why is it changing? It now smells like expensive cologne, green apples, and peppermint!" I wondered what kind of potion smells like that. Why did me and Harry get completely different scents of a potion. I only knew that scent from one person. I turned my head and Draco's grey silvery eyes were at a lock with mine.

Snape angrily walked around smelling people's potions.
"Alright which one of you idiots made amortite?" He questioned. I felt now embarrassed for saying the scent out loud. A little less since Harry did too. I looked around and saw Neville standing scared to admit. Snape instantly stalked over to him and gave him a stern stare then began whispering to him as they both walked out of the class. I presumed he was most definitely getting detention or some punishment. Amorite? That means Draco.... Wait but I had two scents! But who was the first? It was similar to Harry's which was Ginny.
'Could be a Weasley.' I thought to myself as I thought about the other scent. As Snape was out of the class everyone started interrupting into a conversation Ron walked over to Harry.
"Harry do you know who you smelled?" He questioned but he said it more like a threat. He gulped. I got sidetracked because I heard one of Draco's friends say something. I looked over.
Draco then took a deep sniff. He paused and took another. I thought he liked the scent since he was basically inhaling it every chance he got. I remember putting my signature scent in my script. Old books with pump-
"Old books with vanilla and pumpkin!" Draco repeated what my thoughts just were. His words were barely a whisper but a few people heard. My mouth was parted. I was speechless! How can Draco have me and I have Draco and some other guy? I shook it off as Snape entered the room looking at Draco then me. I knew what he was thinking.

"Alright settle down! Since someone messed up we will finish up early since amorite is a very serious potion. Does anyone know what potion it was?" Hermione bolted up her hand.
After class I was packing up my books when Pansy came up to me.
"What did you do to Draco!" she demanded

"Honestly nothing. Maybe he likes a girl with looks rather than a rat who looks fresh from the sewers." I shrugged and walked ahead of her waiting for her to explode with rage. Public school teaches you how to roast a kid or two. It wasn't very creative or my best work but still got her mad so that's what counts. Now that I think about it I really miss my friends from school. I wish I had my school friends here though. It would be anarchy though... We would most definitely find someway to burn the school down.

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