Chapter 10

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We finally made it to the great hall. George was waiting for Fred at the Gryffindore table.
"Fred! Took you long enough and I see you brought your girlfriend!" George said in a mocking tone. I scoffed at him Fred's face was unreadable but he looked slightly red. He snapped out of his thoughts and sat down across from George and I sat beside him, I knew him much better than George. Fred brought some sandwiches of course I didn't trust them but it was just the two of them and plenty of sandwiches so I hesitantly took one.

"I don't think I've ever gotten to know your last name. I know it's weird since we are close." He already knew my name and all but again I'm closer to Fred so I'm not shocked he didn't know my last name. Probably trying to figure out if I'm from a wealthy or famous wizard family.
"Oh I'm (y/n) Claire!" I said with my mouth stuffed with a sandwich.
"Claire? Do you have muggle parents then?" He said trying not to sound rude.
"Oh no! I'm a half blood." I said trying to sound smooth. We quickly ate the sandwiches and they were pretty good. Of course I was still weary these are the Weasley twins. They began muttering among themselves of course I couldn't hear a thing. I grabbed some parchment from my bag I brought along with me with all my school stuff. I began writing as neatly as I could trying to do some schoolwork. Of course I was a nerd but I just wanted stuff done early that way I could have plenty of free time.

I started with potions that was my strong suit. Snape knew I was good at it but since I was in Gryffindore he always found something wrong with my work. Either I added to much of this or added to little of that. I loved potions but hated Snape. I was simply writing down then I grabbed more parchment once I finished. I decided it would be a good time to practice my handwriting. Then Fred finally spoke,
"Hey (y/n) wanna have some candy?"
"Way to not sound suspicious!" I heard George mutter to Fred.
"Sure I guess?" I already knew this was one of their pranks. I quickly unraveled the candy and threw it in George's mouth since it was wide open from laughter. Luckily he didn't choke but he then got a blood nose. I was shocked it wasn't anything to bad but yikes.
"I'm so sorry! I thought it was going to turn me blue or something!" I rambled on but I don't think any of them heard me. Fred was laughing he then shot me a wink. I felt me cheeks warming up.
"I'll take you to the nurse." Fred said then left while laughing as blood was dripping from George's nose. As much as I hated their pranks it was nice to have them as company. Anytime your with them you usually get a laugh out of it.

I decided to go by the black lake. It always seemed so deep and scary. I just imagine a mermaid or something grabbing you and pulling you into the depths of its water until everything goes black. I shivered at the thought. I grabbed out a book hogwarts a history Hermione's favourite I hugged it for a second the first book that was gifted to me that was from Hermione. I began reading through it. Some pages had been torn or ripped. Some folded, but it was quite interesting reading through the pages.

I heard some footsteps coming from behind I turned around and saw Harry.
"Hey.." he said awkwardly
"Hi Harry do you need something?" I said trying to sound nice. I did want to have some quite time.
"Oh no.. I just wanted to talk to you nothing important I can leave if you want!" He sounded a bit sad near the end.
"You can stay!" I grabbed a bookmark and put it on the page I was at. I put the book in my bag and turned towards him. He sat down right next to me rather close.
"How have you been? We haven't really been able to talk to each other one on one... heh.." he sounded really awkward.

"I've been great every time we come back I get more and more shocked at this place..." I responded trying to sound smooth.
"Since this year we are aloud to go to hogsmade but you need permission, and that I don't have.. I was wondering if you wanted to stay back with me the next time we go?"
"Sure I haven't got to much to do, I think I'm going to check on George if that's all you need unless you want to come with me." I said talking to Harry just feels awkward.
"Oh.. I think I'll stay by the lake thanks for the offer..." I gave him a hug then gave him my hoodie he was wearing a thin longsleeve shirt.
"There you won't be cold!" It was a plain chunky gray one, close to my favourites.
"Bye! See you at dinner!" I waved my hand and left. As I entered the the hospital wing I realized I had left my bag back there. 'Oh well I guess!' I thought

Authors Note
Sorry for not updating in a while I'm trying to do two chapters a week and trying to make them longer! Hope you understand thank you!

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