Chapter 12

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Author Note
I would just like to say I haven't shifted yet so I don't know much but if you see any mistakes as to when the character shifts let me know thank you!

He was trying to run up a set of stairs.
"Turn around!" Hermione ordered I knew she didn't like being eased dropped on. The person slowly turned and I saw ginger hair. It was Ron! Why was he lurking out and about and night? Did he follow us? I wasn't the closest with Ron nor Harry but we had a friendship.
"Ron?" Hermione and I said in unison. "What are you doing?" Hermione then asked. He rubbed the back of his neck then made eye contact with me. I thought my mascara might be running for the amount of time he held gaze.
"I heard you guys leave the common room so I thought you guys were going on an adventure or something and I wanted to join.." He said sounding not to confident in his own answer. Hermione rolled her eyes I could tell she didn't believe him.
"What rubbish! Just promise me and (y/n) you won't go tell anyone not even Harry he'll go ballistic!" Hermione told him very seriously.
"Please.." I added my voice crackling. He looked at me then Hermione rolled his eyes then said,
"Yeah sure I guess.." I ran and gave him a hug. I knew it would eventually slip from him but at least for a few days or so it'll be fine and Harry won't have my head or be on his way to kill Draco.

I was headed to bed. Maybe it was a good time to shift back it had been a few days now. I checked the time it was 5:30 am. I decided when it comes around to 7:30 am I would go back. Mostly cause that's when I wake up for school. I liked it better here though.. everyone is mostly kind. I can do whatever and not get yelled at by my parents. Oh how life was so much better here.. I wanted to stay..
I woke up quite early. Hermione was still sleeping which was shocking. I brushed through my hair and put on my uniform and robes. I headed down to the library to look for something to read. Halfway through my walk I met up with Fred. I noticed he had some very noticeable eye bags. Looked like he hadn't sleep much last night.
"Hey (y/n)!"
"Oh hi Fred! You're up quite early!" I said cheerfully. I was glad Fred was awake it's never boring when he is around.
"Yeah.. kinda couldn't sleep last night someone told me something..." he said cutting some parts out. Who told him what. I shrugged it off
"Anyways where you headed off to?" He asked.
"The library. I'm trying to find something to read!" I responded.
"Hermione has really gotten into that head of yours has she?" He said laughing.

We made our way to the library it was empty for obvious reasons. We hadn't talked much on our way down. I was looking through some books none sparked my attention, then I came across a book fantastic beasts and where to find them. I had watched the movies of this. In an instant I grabbed it and checked it out. Fred came following out. I then let my feet roam me to the great hall. There was a few kids from each year from each house scattered across the tables. I sat in an empty seat and Fred sat next to me. I saw Draco was awake. I wished he would apologize or something but nothing never stood from his seat in fact he moved out of the great hall! What a jerk! Fred was just watching me read I sat there very interested in the book.
"Y'know you could leave if you want to right?" I said my eyes staring at the book pages.
"Oh I know but I would rather stay!" He said. He then muttered
"Especially if Malfoy plans on doing anything again..." I froze.
"Who told you!?" I asked and stiffened. He gulped.
"Ron... oh god now he's gonna have my head!" He said. He seemed to be mad that those words slipped through his lips. I closed my book and stormed out of the great hall. I saw Ron on the couch talking to Hermione. It took one look when he saw me enter. His face became pure shock.
"YOU IDIOT I CAN'T BELIVE YOU! YOU ARE SO- SO DUMB!!" I screeched at him. By now all the Gryffindores were awake getting ready to yell at me. I grabbed Ron by the arm and dragged him all the way to the black lake.

"Listen I'm sorry I'm really sorry! Please forgive me!" He said pleasingly. I still didn't care I told him not to tell anyone and Fred of all people? He was my best friend! I sat him down at a tree.
"HOW CAN I? I TOLD YOU NOT TO TELL ANYONE!" I screamed I was so angry, then my knees felt weak and I fell to the ground. Tears forming in my eyes made everything blurry. I felt Ron move me closer to the tree he was at and hugged me. My head on his shoulder and looking out to the black lake. We sat like that for a bit, it felt like hours. I enjoyed his company the way he cuddled me. I never wanted to leave this position.
"I forgive you.." my voice raspy from crying as I said. He hugged me tighter and said
"I'm sorry for my big mouth... I'm a stupid git sometimes..." I chuckled at the end there.
'Yeah you can be!' I thought.

Did y'all guess it was gonna be Ron? Anyways trying to keep more updated also reading a lot of spicy fanfics soooo my mind may deuces ✌️

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