Chapter 3

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Later that night I was super excited to eat in the great hall. If the food from last night is how it normally is I am in love. Heck I would stay here forever for the food. Pansy was giving me horrible looks when I looked back she just went a whispered to her friends. Oh poor Pansy obsessed with a stupid boy who doesn't even like her or want anything to do with her! George grabbed my attention.
"So how was your first day back at hogwarts?" I really didn't know how to respond 'Oh Pansy and me got on the wrong foot and she thinks I am coming for her "man". Draco likes me and I think and my amorite smells like someone from your family! Oh also pretty sure Ron wants to beat up Harry for being in love with his sister!' but of course I didn't say that. That would be way to long of a story to tell. Plus theses two will probably figure this out sooner or later.
"It was alright I sat with Harry in potions he was nice despite the other day!" I said trying to limit the conversation. "How was yours?" I tried my best not to sound bitter. I got distracted but heard Fred and George talk in turns. I was overly tired from walking around. I better be having the best classes ever from this. The fact that it took so long to get here and everyday I am more and more exhausted. Probably should work out more if I actually want to make my classes on time. I also didn't like the fact that this was also the 3rd year. All the boys glowed up in this year. Everyone was so attractive... Also kinda why I picked out this year.
"Hello..?!" Fred was calling. I instantly snapped out of my thoughts.
"What?!" I semi shouted. Fred chuckled a bit then George joined in.
"We heard many boys fancy you is it true?" Fred asked. I quickly began looking around a few  people from a few different houses were looking at me. I was unsure if it was because they fancied me or from the drama that has happened so far. My eyes locked with Draco's for about 2 seconds then he looked away and continued eating. I mean I thought I was quite pretty maybe I had a massive glow up in this reality.
"I'll take that as a yes! Although I don't know why you're kinda smelly." George answered instead of me. I gave an annoyed glance to George. Then decided to finally eat I was starving! Fred and George asked no more questions. Thank heavens.
I woke from a owl at my dorm window. I let it in the envelope was black and had a sytherin stamp. I knew who was writing me. I pet the owl and it waited at my window for my response.  I read as I stroked the feathers of the owl.

Dear y/n,

Meet me at the astrology tower at midnight. Hurry to because I don't liked being left waiting! Also my owl likes treats specifically mice! If you want to give him one. Also if you don't want to go you don't have to but it would be preferred.
                                          From Draco

I noticed his hand writing was very neat and elegant. Probably taught to him by trainers of something. Most of the boys in our year had sloppy hand writing. My heart was beating quite fast. I felt butterflies twirl and dance in my stomach. I felt uneasy at this. My mind was wondering and asking so many questions. Why did he want to meet up with you? Did he want to get you in trouble?
Well the answer to these questions would be answered soon I looked at the time it was 10:33
I quickly looked over and saw Hermione with a light under her sheets I could tell she was reading.  I shared a dorm with her and a few other girls.
I turned to her.
"Hermione!" I said in low voice. She looked away from her book and pulled the sheets from her head revealing staticy hair.
"What?" she responded. I took one deep breath quickly.
"Dracoaskedmetomeethimattheastronmytower!" I said in one big breath. Wow my gibberish is pretty good! Hermione blinked blankly. I repeated myself slower so she could understand it.
"You shouldn't go! you'll be breaking rules! and for Malfoy! unbelievable!" I knew she was trying to be protective and all but yikes. She sounded like my mother! Telling me about rules and not to break them and if I were to I'd be dead.

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