SO1 Ch :- 4 ☞☞ Pissed Off ☜☜

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Abhi - Vaish u wait I am coming soon.
Vaish - But where are u going?
Abhi - To find my little brother. He came with me only but I can't find him anywhere.

. ?? - what the hell! How dare that stupid girl throws drinks on me.
Someone padded his back .

Abhi - Sid what are u doing here and why your suit is wet .
( So the person was one and only SIDDHARTH NIGAM).

Sid - Bhai one stupid girl did this ( He narrated him the incident occurred few minutes ago).

Abhi - Ok leave it just came with me to the washroom and get clean this .
Sid - No Bhai I just want to go home now .

Abhi - But ...
Sid - Please Bhai don't stop me . If u want to stay then you may stay but I am leaving !

Abhi - Ok . I will also come . U go near the car . I going to vaish to inform her that we are leaving.
Sid - Ok

Reem - Avu where we're u ?
Avu - Nothing Reem I just got structed with one idot.

Avu narrated then the incident.
Jaan - What are u say 😂😂 how does he reacted.

Avu - Before he could say something I just left the place .
Reem - what was his name ?
Jaan - She told na she haven't talked with the guy .

All started laughing....
Mean while ...
Abhi - Vaish I have to go home now !
Vaish - why is tjere's any problem.
Abhi - I will tell u later .

Vaish - ok bye take care.
Abhi - u too.

Precap :
Sid - U have to kiss me now that's is ur punishment for insulting me .

So what do u think whom Sid is asking to kiss him.

-------------------**********---------So what do u think whom Sid is asking to kiss him

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