SO2 Ch :- 72 ☞☞ Kiddos ☜☜

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Sid pov

Very smart . But i am not fool baby 😈.

Sid went to avu's room and saw .........
That she was sitting on the bed and having the chocolates like kids .

Sid went inside.

Sid - I have caught u baby . Now  give back my chocolates.

Avu - But  I have win so this are mine . I will not give it to u .

Sid - I think u are forgetting that u have done cheating so technically this chocolates are mine .

Avu - But I won't give it to you 😜

Sid went near to catch her and she started running in the room.

Finally sid caught her and took the chocolates from her and ate it (😂😂 sorry but they are really kiddos)

Avu - u are so bad u ate my chocolates.  I hate u .

Sid - I love you too 😙

Avu sat on the bed and  started  crying.

Avu - 😭😭 i want my chocolates.  Give me my chocolates 😭😭

Sid felt bad for her .

Sid went near her and sat on his knees.

Sid - Avu baby please stop crying.  I will give you many many chocolates .

( but she was continuously crying 😭😭)

So sid went downstairs to the kitchen to bring. .......


Stay tuned

******************************Stay tuned OK BYE BYE

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