SO2 Ch :- 66 ☞☞ what my sister doing here? ☜☜

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Avu moves towards him and put her head on his chest and sid put his hand on her waist and pulled her closer .

And with in no time they fall asleep .

Next day  morning :

Vaish  went to avu's room  and didn't find her there .

She went downstairs .

Vaish - Reem where is avu ?

Reem - she is in her room only .
Vaish - No she is not there . I search in the whole house but didn't  get her .

Anu - so where can she be ?

Reem - What if lucky did something? ( scared) .

Vaish - But we all were in the  house . We should  get to know  right .

Anu - Di did you check  in sid's room .

Vaish - No i haven't . And i don't think she will  go there after what  sid has done to her .

Jaan - But i think  we should  go and check  once .

Vaish - Ok .

All the girls  went to sid's room .

Vaish knock  the door.

Avu open the door half eyes closed .

Avu - Who is here ?

All are shock to see avu there and especially in sid's clothes .

Anu - Avu what are u do here and in sid's clothes . Did u both  had se.. ( cut off by avu )

Avu - ewww chi anu what are u saying ?😧😲😳😳😶😶

Sid - ( in sleeply tone ) Who is here baby ?

Jaan - baby 😉😌

Avu 😅 😅

Avu went near the bed to wake sid .

Avu - Sid wake up .

Sid - let me sleep baby and u to sleep  with me .

And he pulls avu with him.

Vaish - SIDDHARTH  what is going over here ?😡😡

Sid awake up with a jerk .

Sid - Bhabhi ?

Vaish - Once you are with ritika  once with avu ? Can u care to explain  what my sister doing here? 😠😠

Stay tuned.

*******************************Stay tuned

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