SO1 Ch :- 33 ☞☞ Forgiven ☜☜

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Sid - Actually I thought of telling you the truth but I was waiting for the perfect opportunity !

Avu - you were  waiting for the perfect opportunity and me without knowing anything about the truth told u everything .

Sid - Avu u are misunderstanding me .

Avu - No I am understanding u for the first time .

She turned to go but Sid hold her hand and pulled her . Due to sudden pull she put on hands on Sid's chest .
Sid - please Avu please don't say this I love you so much . I can't leave without u . Please Let me explain myself . ( Making the cutest and saddest face ever)

This melts Avu but she didn't show it to him.

How can be someone so cute . But let me play for a while . What do u all say ? I should take my revenge for a while as u all know I can't be angry on him for  long.

Avu - ok say what you want to say ( with fake anger ) .

Sid - The day I got to know that you are my Musu . I was extremely happy and I went to ur house but aunty told that u have gone meet ur friend . I was not getting good vibes . Then I thought of going back home but suddenly Reem called me and told me that u a with that bastard and then u know I don't to tell about that night . I thought of telling you the truth on that day only but u offer me the hand of friendship and told that u would not believe anyone after that incident . Then what should I do avu I was helpless after so many freaking years I got u back I didn't had the courage of losing you at that very moment ( tears coming out from his eyes .)

Avu ( was speechless)


He was so afraid of losing me and I thought .... U are really a dumbo . I person who loves you the most and with whatever he had and  u just pissed him off . Because me he is crying . I feeling like I am worst person in this world .

Sid - Avu please say something .

Avu - .......

The next chapter will be full of romance . Are u all excited .

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