SO2 Ch :- 58 ☞☞ Continue this Acting ☜☜

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Sid - Avu

Avu - hmm ( still same position)

Sid - now for the next plan I need ur help .

Avu broke the hug

Avu - how ?

Sid - we have to continue this acting .

Avu - but Sid I am very scared if he. ...

Sid - ssh Avu . I am always with u  nothing happen love .

Avu again hug Sid .

Sid - and one more thing, that is you are only mine if anyone try to put a finger on u they have to  face me and that lucky and Mr Harsh Nigam have done so much with u . I take everything away from them i will destroy them.

Avu look at Sid and peck his lips .

And was about to ran but Sid hold her wrist .

Sid -  u can't ran away without completing what u have started .

Avu turn towards him and asked him innocently

Avu - sid what are u talking about ? I can't understand .

Sid - ok I will make you understand .

Sid was coming dangerously close to her .

Sid about to kiss her but she ran away .

Avu - u have to catch me .

Sid - wait Avu I will not leave u .

Avu was running and Sid was running behind her .

Stay tuned .
( I think u know what will be next )
"Guys why u all are not voting nor commenting it very demotivating "

( I think u know what will be next )"Guys why u all are not voting nor commenting it very demotivating "

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