SO1 Ch :- 29 ☞☞ where are you all the night ?☜☜

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At Avu's house .

Sonia - say  where are you all the night ?

Jai - di why are you all wet ?


God what I will do now ? Should I tell them .

Avu - Ihavegonetoadatewithsid .

Jai - awe... Haye 😍

Sonia - ok go and change or you will catch cold.

Avu - sure mom .

And got changed .

At Sid house

Abhi - So why u were out the whole night .

Vibha - Sid go and change or you will catch cold.

Abhi - so u have gone for a date right ?
Sid - yes ( blushing )

Abhi - siddharth Nigam and blushing . Am I really in this world ?

Sid - Stop na Bhai .

Sid went to his room change while thinking of Avu .

Kabir calls .
Sid - yes Kabir .

Kabir - sir you please come to the office you need to sign some papers and it's very urgent .

Sid - ok coming .

Vibha - Sid where are you going?

Sid - Mom I am going to the office I have some important work I will come within 1or 2 hour .

Abhi - will i come with you ?

Sid - ok I can go myself .

Abhi - ok .

At Avu's house .

Sonia - Avu where are you going now ?

Avu - mom I am going to Sid's house .

Jai - o come on the di few hours ago u we're only with Sid na and I can see u can't stay without him for a hour also .

Avu - shut up Jai . Mom I am going .
Sonia - ok come back soon .

Precap .

Avu - no aunty I will come later .

Vibha - Avu are u ok ?

Avu - yes aunty . Bye .

She Went from the house and started crying .

Avu - Sid why ......

Avu - Sid why

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