SO2 Ch :- 59 ☞☞ You will not get any kiss ☜☜

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Avu - u have to catch me .

Sid - wait Avu I will not leave u .

Avu was running and Sid was running behind her .

But due to running her leg got twisted and she was about to fall but sid saves her .

( she haven't got hurt)

Sid - Now where you will ran ? Now I will take what I want .

Avu pushed Sid.

Avu - u have hurt me from yesterday so u will not get any kiss .

Sid - this is not fair . Then what's about u ? U have hurted me for 2years.

Avu - But u have taken my favourite necklace 😢 .

Sid went near her and took out the necklace from his pocket .

Sid - sorry Avu. I would gave it to u yesterday only but I couldn't because of the plan .

Sid made Avu wear her necklace .

Sid - Now let's go home .☹ everyone might be worried .

Sid turned to move but Avu holds his hand and pulls him towards her .

Avu moved more closed to his face and cupped his face .

And then puts her lips on his lips and started kissing him .

Sid also kisses her back with all the love he has for her .

After 10 mins they broke the kiss due to lack of air . They had a head lock .

Avu - I love you .

Sid - I love you too .

Then went inside the car .

After half and hour they reached home .

Vaishu opens the door .

She was shock to see them coming hand in hand .

Vaish - what is going on Avu ?

Avu - ......

Stay tuned .

**********************************Stay tuned

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