SO1 Ch :- 30 ☞☞ I Hate You ☜☜

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Avu reach Sid's home .

Vibha - Beta u came to meet Sid ?

Avu - yes aunty . Is he went somewhere ?

Vibha - yes he has gone to the office but he will come soon within an hour or something . You come inside and sit.

Avu - okay aunty .

Avu went to the living room .

Vibha - would you like to have something coffee or tea.

Avu - no aunty only glass of water .

Vibha - ok you sit I am bringing it.

Avu - hmm .

Avu was roaming in the room and have few minutes aunty came .

Vibha - beta you are crying what happened ? Is  everything ok ?

Avu wipe her face .

Avu - yes aunty I'm ok . Actually I'm not feeling well I'm going home .

Vibha - u wait for a while . Sid will come and drop u .

Avu - no need of that Aunty I can go .
Vibha - ok take care . Bye .

Avu - bye .

Vibha - what happened to her suddenly ?

Avu went to her house .

Avu started crying violently throwing everything in her room.

Avu - I hate u . I will never talk to u Sid .

At Sid's house .

After a hour Sid came .

Sid - Mom I am hungry .

Vibha - yes wait  she serve him the food .

Vibha - Sid u know that Avu came today . But suddenly something happened to her she was crying but then she told that she Is not feeling well and went home .

Sid - u let her go alone ? U should have told her to wait I would drop her .

Vibha - I have told her but she told she is fine and she went .


What happened to her suddenly ? I will call her .
Precap :

Sid - Reem from yesterday Avu 's phone is switched off . Do u know what happened to her ?

Reem - I tried many times and also asked Jai . But he told that she has locked herself in the room and not talking to anyone .
Sid - what ?

Stay tuned .

*********************************Stay tuned

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