SO2 Ch :- 64 ☞☞ I have only loved you ☜☜

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Avu was not listening to Sid . So he changed his position and pinned her to the wall and steal her lips with his lips .

Her eyes wider due to the sudden kiss. Sid bite her lower lips she gasps and she came back to her sense and also started kissing him back .

Some how the shower started but  they were so lost in themselves that they were careless about it.

After this little make out session  they left each other due to the lack of air .

Sid - ( cupped her face) I have only loved you Avu and you were my first love and also will be the last .

Avu hugged him tightly.

Sid hugs her back .

Avu - I love you .

Sid - I love you 2 .

Suddenly  avu sneezes.

Sid - Avu you are totally wet .

Avu - Ok . Do one thing give me ur clothes .

Sid went to his wardrobe and  took a long size tee and a loss short and gave it to her . He went out of the washroom.

Sid took of his shirt and  now it was only on his boxer .

Avu came out wearing his clothes.

Sid return and saw her .

Sid's jaw drop as she is looking  sizzling hot on his clothes .

And avu got lost on sid's hazal eyes and body .

Avu - .......

Stay tuned.

*******************************Stay tuned

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