SO1 Ch :- 27 ☞☞ Date ☜☜

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Avu - wow this is so beautiful. That's means Remmi knew about this .

Sid - yes it was a surprise for you . I took her help or else how could I surprise you. Did you like it?

Avu - like it ! I love it!! I am sorry  for being angry with you .

Sid - it's ok leave all that let's enjoy our first date . ( Smirk) .

Avu blushed .

Sid took her hand made her sit  on the chair and he sit in the  opposite one.

Avu - at  this time could you  manage any food ?

Sid - not so special but  I have made noodles.

Avu - do you know how to cook?

Sid - not actually but I have tried.

Avu 😊 - ok  then feed meI am hungry .

Sid feeds her .

Sid - how it is?
Avu Pov
Really if anyone eats this then would surely die .

Sid - say na how it is?


If I say its inedible then he will feel bad.

Avu - it's so tasty! I just love it! and I am very hungry I will eat the whole .

Sid - ok let me taste it once . I have it !


No no I I can't let him eat this.

Avu - no I will eat this .
Sid - arey let me taste it once

Avu - no .
Sid - But I will .

With that he ate one spoon and Avu closed her eyes .
Sid  split the food .

Sid - 😖😥 how could you eat it. It's so bad tastes .

Avu - yes made it for me . U have work so hard then how can I say to that it bad .

Sid - I am sorry Avu ?

Avu - hey why are u saying sorry ?

Precap .

They are all wet and sid moves towards her lips and she closed her eyes .

Then .....


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