SO1 Ch :- 12 ☞☞ DRUNK? ☜☜

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Sid - Ok then can we meet here every day .

Musu - yes why not .

Sid - Then promise Me !

Musu - promise .


Sid - But u broke the promise .But I will find u . Do this necklace has any connections with Musu . Or Avneet is only Musu . Uff so much confusion I have to find it .

Then he slept .

The next day evening .

Reem , Jai , Riyaz , Anu , Jan faisu Vaish and all went to the pub .

Reem - Avu why are u sad ?

Avu - ( almost crying ) I have lost his gift .

Jan - Don't worry u will get it .

Avu - But how ?

Them Jai took Reem to the dance floor and Jan was taken by faisu .

Abhinavi were also dance .

Sid was going near Avu to ask about the necklace .

Sid - Avu I need to talk to u .

Avu - shhu ... Don't talk hottie . Let's go and dance .

Sid POV .

Hottie ! What happened to her .

Sid - Are drank ?

Avu - No . I haven't .

Sid - avneet u are drank let's go home .

Avu - No we will dance .

Sid - Ok we dance later .

Avu - Promise .

Sid - yes . Now come .

Avu - No I will not walk . Carry me.

Sid - Avneet just do as I say .

Avu - No no no. U have to take me in ur strong arm please . Or else I will not go .

Sid - God . Ok.

Sid took her in the bridal style .
Sid put her in the car .

Sid - Driver drive car to Kaur mansion .

Sid sat with her in the backseat .

Avu sat on his lap and put her head on his chest .

Sid - Avneet sit on the seat.

Avu - No I will not . ( She started crying because of the necklace ).

Sid - ok don't cry seat here only .
She kiss his cheeks and he was hell shock .

Stay tuned for more sidneet scenes in next chapter and comment below how much u liked today scene and ( fav. Part.)


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