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This story takes place during 5th year, but I am portraying Draco as his third year self, because I think he was the hottest then haha. I will also not be following the book/movie that closely because this story WILL ABSOLUTELY NOT have any Umbridge in it so you're welcome. At this time, I am not sure how much of a Dark Lord presence will be on Draco because I want to focus on his relationship with y/n because... I want to haha. I will also be adding in a few high school traditions like Prom and possibly homecoming so there are dances throughout the year. Again, I am well aware that I am not following the script of 5th year exactly, but in all honesty, I would have written this during 3rd year, but they are just to young. I will also be adding in characters that are not in the books so don't come for me on that. I would love to hear your thoughts and see your comments on the story, and if you know of any good spicy Draco story's, comment them or send them to me privately. I really hope you enjoy this SPICY story...

(Also, click on the photo because it's an amazing pic I found of him in third year 🤤)

Side note, the chapters will get significantly longer, like the ones I write now have 5000 words...


"Y/n Ophelia Kingsley" cried McGonagall.

This is it y/n, the day you find out what house your in for the rest of your life...

My mom was a Hufflepuff, dad as well. But both sets of my Grandparents had been sorted into Gryffindor, so I didn't know where I stood. This was my first year attending Hogwarts, and even though I was of Pure-Blood, I had no friends. Luckily, I found a compartment with three other girls aboard the Hogwarts Express, and they were delighted to have me join them. I sat next to a tall brunette with piercing brown eyes.

"I'm Matilda St.Peters" she spoke softly. He hair was groomed neatly into a low, yet delicate braid, and I could tell by her calm demeanor that she seemed fairly intelligent.

Across from her sat a curly red-head with eyes as blue as... well.. they were so blue they looked like paint.

"Elizabeth Kemper," she exclaimed in a thick Scottish accent, "but you can call me Lizzy".

I couldn't help but smile as her curls bobed up and down as she spoke. She definitely seemed like a character. And finally next to her sat and girl who looked about my size, I was 5'1 at age 11.

"I'm Bailey Woodlock"

Bailey Woodlock was an actual goddess. She had straight blonde hair that cut off right before her lower chest, and dazzling green eyes. Faint freckles scattered across her face, and everything about her seemed perfectly proportionate or perfect.

"All of us are first years," grinned Lizzy, "What's your name?"

"Oh right, I'm sorry, I'm y/n Kingsley. Pleasure to meet you."

"Nice to meet you y/n" commented Bailey.

"Kingsley... hey, didn't your dad used to teach Advanced Potions at Hogwarts?" Asked Matilda.

Matilda had an older brother James who had graduated a few years back.

"Yes, but he's retired now."

"Well that's cool! I think you are going to get along great with the three of us." Stated Lizzy.

By the time we had arrived at Hogwarts and were at the front of the Great Hall, I had felt like I had known them my whole life.

Matilda was fairly quiet and seemed like the total book-worm, but she didn't fail to add in a snarky comment every once in a while.

Lizzy seemed the exact opposite. Loud, and in your face funny, yet something about her just made you want to be her friend.

But then there was Bailey.

I couldn't quite figure her out in the short time we had spent together. She seemed like she was the type that was quiet unless you got to know her, so different from each of her two friends.

But maybe that's why they were friends.

I myself was the charmingly funny friend, but I was also very polite. But when it comes to getting what I want, I stop at nothing. That's what made me most nervous about the sorting hat; I didn't know where I would fall.

"Ronald Weasley" shouted Professor McGonagall.

The small red head was sorted into Gryffindor like his many siblings.

"Bailey Diana Woodlock" Bailey dainty made her way to the seat.

"Intelligence...Grace...Out-Spoken... RAVENCLAW!"

I cheered for Bailey as she sat at her new table.

I wasn't surprised when McGonagall had yelled for an Elizabeth Day Kemper and had been sorted to Gryffindor, or when a Matilda Olivia Mae St.Peters was also sorted into Ravenclaw.

Harry Potter had just taken his seat at the Gryffindor table when McGonagall spoke again. There were about twelve of us left, but I knew the time would come.

"Y/n Ophelia Kingsley"

I nervously took my seat as the hat was placed on my head.

"Ah... A young Miss Kingsley. I can sense your desire for greatness, both academically and physically. But wait... I sense something else... a THIRST to show the world what you can truly do. This is quite difficult but..." It was then I caught my first glimmer of blonde hair "...I can confidently say...



How could this be?
A past of Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors, how is it possible that I'm a Slytherin?!?

I stumbled over to the green infested table with a distant look in my eyes and sat down next to a skinny brunette with almond-brown eyes.

"Welcome to Slytherin. I'm Ava Guardian"


I barley got any sleep that night.

Aside from the fact that my owl Rio had been making noise all throughout the night, I couldn't get over the fact that I was now sharing a room with Ava in the Slytherin dorms.

I would have never pegged myself as the Slytherin type, but the sorting hat has always been pretty accurate with its decisions.

Nevertheless, I would still remain friends with the girls I had met on the train, along with Ava, who I already had lots of things in common with.

Besides my now green philosophy of life, I felt that this would be the start of something amazing.

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