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*Imagine that "Die For You" by the weekend, video above, is playing for the first part 😉 I also recommend thinking about this song for every sex scene, but I thought it could be cool for this. You guys don't even understand how badly I want this song to be playing while I... Trust me, it's worth listening to I swear because it's literally perfect for any ✨spice✨ action*

"Draco someone is going to see"

"Oh just shut up y/n and take off your clothes"

"Draco, I know it's night but there are hotel security walking around constantly"

"Then I'll cast a cloaking spell on us, deal?"

I thought about it, but more so to keep him in suspense as I already knew my answer.

"Can you do it for me"

Draco smirked and turned me around, while casting the cloaking spell.

He moved my hair to the left side of my neck and kissed the exposed area of skin above my dress.

Slowly, he unzipped the black velvet cocktail dress I was wearing, and I cringed at how slowly he seemed to to it.

I wanted it off so badly, but I wouldn't let him know.

The dress fell to the ground, and by the time I had in un-strapped my black stilettos, he already had his shirt off and was reaching for his belt.

I quickly lurched my hands forward to get there before him, and unbuckled his belt and slipped off his pants.

Draco kissed me passionately while undoing my bra, and I pulled down his boxers to keep myself busy.

Draco then grabbed my arm and forced my fingers to trace shapes on my stomach before maneuvering my hands to pull down my own underwear.


In one gallant swoop, Draco kissed my lips and picked me up bridal style for what I thought would be an calming entrance.

"You're so naive Kingsley"

And before I knew it, Draco's was tossing my naked self into the middle of the hotel pool.

My body was submerged under the water and I struggled to catch my breath as I returned to the surface.

"Having fun down there!?!" Draco called as he walked to the edge of the pool.

He was above me and all I could see was his massive dick in my face.

"You little bitch!" I yelled but soon noticed his proximity to the pool, "Draco, have you ever actually thrown anyone in a pool before?"

"Now that I think about it, no. Why?"

"Well I guess you're the naive one now" I said as I yanked his right leg forward and he flew into the pool.

I laughed so hard at my win against Draco, but he didn't do the same.

"Oh you're gonna pay for that Kingsley!" He yelled as he swam his way over to me with greedy eyes.

"I hope I will" I said and winked.

"Merlin, now every time I think about Cabo, I'll think about all the sex and you pulling me into the pool." He said with a smirk.

"Yes, but can't we do both at the same time?"

"What does that mean?" He asked intrigued.

The Secrets We Keep (Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now