The First Quidditch Game

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Today was October 6th, a little bit more than a month of school had passed.

Slytherin was having their first official Quidditch match of the season against Hufflepuff.

Hufflepuff had never been good at Quidditch, along with Ravenclaw, so the only real competition was between us and the Gryffindors.

"Wish me luck, babe" Micheal whispered as he pecked my check and strolled off into the Slytherin locker room.

I made my way up into the Slytherin stands to the rest of the Sunny Girls, whom I convinced to cheer for our team.

I was dressed in a green tank top and Jean shorts, because it was the last few days of warmth that we would have for a while.

After about 10 minutes both teams emerged from their locker rooms and I gave a small wave to Micheal, but then Draco caught my eye.

The determined passion spread across his face was so seductive that I just wanted to go over to him and...

"3 POINTS FOR SLYTHERIN" shouted the announcer.

I can't believe I let my mind go there...

It took about another half an hour, but I didn't mind as my eyes traveled back and fourth between the blonde and brunette, but my gaze solely went to him when he caught sight of the Snitch.

Draco raced around the field like a car around the track so focused that I dare not move a muscle. And then, he caught it!

I screamed louder than I ever had in my life.

Everyone looked over to me as if I was dying and I slowly sunk back in my seat as all eyes went back to Draco who had won the game.

I dashed down to the locker room, not sure which boy I was actually running for, but luckily my decision was made for me when Micheal was the first one to enter, followed by his team.

"Congratulations" I exclaimed in a tight hug.

For some reason, I couldn't bring myself to give him even the smallest peck of a kiss, but luckily Theo Nott pulled me away to ask me a question on some homework.

"Y/n I'm gonna go take a shower in my room and then we can meet up for dinner"

"All right I'll be here with Theo"


Theo and I stayed there for a few minutes after everyone left, well, not everyone...

"Thank you so much Kingsley, I owe you!" Theo yelled as he left the locker room.

I turned around and noticed that all of Draco's stuff was still in his cubby.

Number 7 - D. Malfoy

I walked over and stared at his rich green uniform and helmet when I heard a shuffle behind me.

"What are you doing in here Kingsley. Your bitch left ages ago."

I turned around to face a wet, Draco Malfoy, wearing nothing but a white towel around his waist.

It took everything in me to keep eye contact as he eyed my small outfit that clung to my body.

"Nott had a question about homework. I was just leaving when I saw your jersey. You did really well today, Malfoy."

A cross between a smirk and smile appeared on his face.

"Thanks Kingsley. No run off to your bitch before he throws a hissy fit."

Why did he always do this?

"Merlin Draco, why can't you just take a compliment and roll with it. Why does some snarky comment have to come after everything?"

His towel shifted down probably less than an inch but it was too much to handle.

I ran out of the room.

"You've hardly touched your food y/n what is bothering you" Micheal asked concerned.

"Nothing" I argued as I slammed my fists against the table.

"Right," he stood up, "Let me know when you are done being a bitch and we can talk. I'm going to sit with Blaise and Abigail."

Of course he is.

I had stayed up all night thinking about two things; my encounter with Draco after the match, and how yet again Micheal went to McDouglas.

My first class, DATDA starts at 8:30 and it was 8:20. I wasn't even dressed.

By the time I had arrived I class, I just went straight up to Snape's desk to retrieve my slip for a week's detention.

I was not happy.

"Now who can tell me the 5 species of Unicorn from oldest to newest?" "Anyone" Snape asked.

"Why do we need to know the bloody order of unicorns or anything about unicorns at all when this is DATDA? This class is ridiculous"

"Mr. Malfoy! You just earned yourself a week's detention. You will see me here after supper along with Mrs. Kingsley."

I didn't know it at the time but, Draco smirked when he heard those words.


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