Sunrise & Sunset

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I felt warm.

I still wasn't wearing a shirt after last night, and I could hear a slight breeze blowing in the air.

So why wasn't I-


There was an arm wrapped around chest and shoulder, holding me close to my heat source.

He was keeping me next to him.

This was the first time I had actually woken up with Draco in the bed, and the puffs of air he was breathing on my neck made me feel calm.

His whole presence in that moment made me feel calm.

I rested my head deeper into the pillow and tried to fall back asleep.


It looked early outside because of the time difference; 4 am here meant 10 am back at school.

The day was so young, and yet I was stirring.

But Draco wasn't and that's what mattered.

There was no way I would ever wake Draco up.

I didn't want to.


After an hour of just lying there, I couldn't take it any longer.

Gently, I slipped out from under Draco's grasp and crept over to the closet where I threw on a pair of shorts and one of Draco's t-shirts.

Carefully, I opened the glass slider and walked on to the deck to watch the sunrise.

It felt unreal.

The way the colors of the sky seemed to blend like a painting of brightness, with brush strokes so effortless you feel like it was made by a master.

How could something be some mesmerizing and beautiful?

The sun rise made me think of Draco.

He had this uneasy way of being so captivatingly handsome and I found myself missing the comfort of him as the waves slapped against the wood deck.


The sun was out now, so I charmed myself a cup of coffee and stared out into the bliss while the day grew warmer.

There was a small hamic that was set up outside, so I took a seat and sipped my hot drink for a while.

"Have you been up long?"

I turned my head to face a sleeping looking Malfoy.

He looked ridiculously cute all tired and un-put-together.

"Yes but it's all right," I said with a small smile.

"Oh...I'm....sorry"He muttered while scratching his head.

"No, no. It's fine, believe me"

I stopped the slight swinging of the hamic and placed my feet on the floor to get off.

"Kings, why don't you go to the table and I'll make some food appear"

"Actually I'd rather make breakfast myself if you don't mind."

"What?" Draco asked shocked.

"Yes, I've always loved cooking and I could make us waffles or something. Something simple. It wouldn't take long."

"Okay... I guess I could just stay in the living room then."

"Perfect!" I smiled

I skipped my way inside, but Draco called out before I stepped in to the house.

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