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** Let me know if you would want me to write out a list of all of the "non-Harry Potter* characters so that way you don't get confused**

I walked hand in hand with Leo.

The hallways were kinda crowded so all eyes naturally fell upon the newly popular 5th year with the always popular 6th.

"That was fast" yelled Seamus, a 5th year Gryffindor, as he gave Leo a high five.

I had charms class with Professor Flitwick first with the other 5th years; including the man I was trying to make jealous. So naturally I was a little disappointed when he wasn't already inside.

"My next class starts in 10, so I'll see you at 12:15 in the courtyard later?" Asked Leo ,stopping in front of the classroom doors.

"Absolutely!" I said as I kissed his cheek and walked inside.

I took a seat next to Bailey and Luna Lovegood, right smack in the middle of third row.

"Wow, y/n impressive. About every girl at Hogwarts is wishing they were you."

I blushed at Bailey's comment and averted my attention to Draco who was just sitting down a few chairs to the left of me, surprisingly alone.

I couldn't just let him sit there without doing something.

"Ya you're right Bailey," I said fairly loud, "I think I'm super lucky too! You know Leo is such a great guy, and even though I haven't known him for that long, he's just so sweet and funny. Oh and, it doesn't hurt that he's probably the hottest guy at Hogwarts..."

I said that last part a little quieter and turned my gaze over to Draco as he scraped his nails against the desk and tried his best to hide his obvious anger.

Didn't this boy know how well I could ruffle his feathers?

But apparently the Universe was looking out for Draco that day because Professor Flitwick told everyone to take their seats and started the lesson.


The three and a half hours I had of Charms and Herbology were an absolute snooze-fest.

As much as I didn't want to admit it, I often found myself looking up at Draco wishing that I would catch him doing the same so he would get embarrassed and I could shove it in his face.

But he never did.

I didn't understand why I longed for him.

I was the one trying to make him jealous, and yet, he was driving me absolutely insane.

I guess I just wanted him to care. I needed him to care.

But as that memory of waking in an empty bed filled my mind, I realized that I couldn't fall down that path of needing Draco.

I was Y/n Kingsley. The new fifth year baddie dating the Hogwarts hottie and I liked it.

"Hello? Miss Kingsley?"

"Huh? Oh yes, yes Professor."

"I asked you why you aren't in uniform?"

Dammit Snape.

I had convinced my other two teachers that Snape gave me permission to wear my regular clothes since I couldn't go back to my dormitory before leaving.

But of course Snape had to be the one to stop me in the hallway coming out of Herbology.

"I know you just came out of class, so again, why aren't you in uniform?" He said again as he used his regular drawl of a tone.

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