And the Games Begin

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I woke up to the soft sound of rain hitting the pane of the windows.

It was early November, and as much as I loved the rejuvenating rays of sunshine, I really loved the rain.

I blinked back the morning air that was freshly dancing across my face and yawned, expecting to feel another sign of life in the room.

But as my body slowly started to become more aware, I felt cold.

He wasn't there.

                                         Draco's POV

I woke up early this morning; I was an early riser. It was till fairly dark outside and it was hard to see, but that's when I felt her.

My hand was draped tightly around her stomach, clutching her close to me. The smell of her hair was forced into my nose as my head lay submerged in her lioness locks.

She smelled of grapefruit, and maybe vanilla.

I took a few moments to inhale the intoxicating scents, wondering why they had never been so present before, and it hit me.

I, Draco Malfoy, was laying in bed with a girl after sex. And whether I wanted to believe it or not, I liked it.

"What the fuck" I mumbled, but quickly held my breath as she sifted and let out a soft sigh.

Carefully, I unwrapped my arm from her waste and slipped out of bed; quietly putting on a cream turtle neck and black jeans.

I had laced my whole bedroom in silencing charms the night before so as soon as I softly closed my bedroom door, I loudly slammed my head against the wall.

This wasn't like me.

None of the last two weeks was like me.

None of last night was like me.

I was leading her on to a man that didn't exist.

A man that I didn't want to exist.

I don't know what I had gotten into me, but thinking about last night made me feel sick.

I wasn't that type of person, and she was going to have to understand.

I heard the rain slowly start to pour down the walls of the castle, so I grabbed an umbrella and decided it would be best to get out of the now hard-to-breath-in room.

Walking down the hallways was always most pleasant early in the morning, especially since there was no one around.

Each corridor I walked into was open and I could finally breath; loving the fresh scent of rain that was so very pleasant.

The rain made me feel at one with my senses.

A distraction.

I then made my way to the the astronomy tower, where the morning was even more breathtaking.

I relaxed as I wrapped my hands around the rail; my cold rings clanking as the metal collided.

All I could do was stare out into the grey-ness of the sky. It was hauntingly beautiful like Kingsley's eyes.

No dumb-ares the whole point of being up here is to NOT think about her.

I stayed there until breakfast in a trance; fortunately as my thoughts of y/n slowly danced away.

                                  Y/n POV

Maybe he's in the bathroom.

Or maybe, he is making me breakfast.

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