The Start of Something New

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Remember, that even though we are in the fifth year, and they are 15 or 16, I am describing Draco like his third year self because I think he was hottest then.
The train ride to Hogwarts had never felt so long.

I was basking in the company of my now nine month boyfriend Micheal, now 6'1, Ava and her boyfriend Hudson from Hufflepuff (thank goodess she left Goyle), Lizzy, and Bailey.

Matilda and her boyfriend Ray had chosen to get their own compartment for some "alone time" since they had not seen each other all summer.

"You're tired love, lay down on my chest" Micheal whispered into my ear.

I gently nodded and laid back, breathing in the masculine scent of oak and tobacco that he smelled of (he doesn't smoke it's his cologne).

By 5:30 pm we arrived at Hogwarts, but I kept sensing that I was missing something. I told my friends to go on without me while I searched through my bags.

"Aha!" I exclaimed "I must have lost my book on Level 6 potions."

I was a level ahead of our grade so I was taking a year 6 class.

I decided to look through some of the hallways that I had walked down to see if I could spot it, and it ended up just being a few doors down.

"Oh hello Luna" I said as she walked by.

Matilda and Bailey were friends with Lovegood;they said she was a kind soul.

"Hello y/n peaceful evening. Make sure to stay away from the nargles, they are all out tonight.

I slipped my book into my bag and headed off the train, but a head of platinum blonde hair caught me eye.

Draco Malfoy.

He had grown up a lot since I had last seen him, I was guessing he was around 6'2.

His hair fell into an almost bowl shaped hair cut that only he could pull off and make look ravishingly hot.

Wait what am I saying?

His grey eyes seemed more and more piercing the more I stared and everything about him just seemed to make perfect sense into the idea of a perfect man.
I couldn't describe it.

He was handsome, charming, hot, and sexy all at once.

I bit my lip as my thoughts seemed to wander the rest of him. Through his thin, white Oxford shirt under his blazer, I could see the lines of a six pack.

Holy shit he looked delicious. But my eyes seemed to fail me when I landed caught in his gaze.

Draco's POV

I had noticed her staring, which I normally would have minded if it wasn't for who it was.

It was y/n Kingsley.

I had never paid much attention to her before as she always had that idiot Abainski around her arm, but tonight, she hit different.

Her dirty blonde hair was curled into loose waves, and her eyes and eyelashes only seemed to get bigger and longer.

Her lips looked full, stained a rosy peach.

Her shirt clung to her chest tightly, surrounding what looked like a 32 D underneath; I would have to find out if my guess was correct.

She wore a pair of black leggings that hugged around her thick thighs like a glove and made her hour glass of a figure look even more spectacular.

Her delicate hands were placed over each other, with a small suitcase in one of them.

That's when I noticed her biting her lip and the blood began to rush.

Praying for a distraction, her gaze met upon mine.

"Like what you see Kingsley"

"Not every girl is falling to her knees at the bare sight of you Malfoy" she smirked.

"But your legs are shaking a bit" I said and winked.

She rolled her eyes and made a small puff and turned to the carriages that led up the castle.

As she walked away, I couldn't help but lower my stare to the bold outline of a thong underneath her leggings.

When did y/n get so hot?

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