Madame Pomfrey's Stuffed Bears

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"Oh y/n I did realize you were back," Matilda said as she gave me a tight hug, "How are you holding up?"

"I'm okay, I guess."

I had run into Matilda on my way to the Great Hall for breakfast.

I had come back to school late on Sunday night after a weekend that I could hardly remember.


All I can recall from the trip was heavy rain, lots of black, stinging tears, and the bitter taste of the vodka I had sneaked into my room Saturday night with one of my cousins.

I mostly laid in bed all of Sunday alone and my dad dropped me off at the train station after dinner.

I took the Hogwarts express back to school; for all I knew Draco was still in Thailand.

Sunday night was quiet too.

I chatted with Ava for a while before bed, having to think quick on my feet as she asked about my week.

But luckily she wasn't too pressing so I was able to get an early nights sleep, but more importantly, time to think about what story I was going to stick with.


"Well I promise it will get easier Kings. I'm always hear if you need to talk."

"That's sweet Tilly," I smiled.

"Of course. Y/n have you only been in England this past week? You look really tan."

Oh shit.

I had forgotten about that.

"Oh um... it's a spray tan. Mum convinced me to get one."

"It's a spray! Wow it looks so real!" She exclaimed grabbing my arm to study it, "Where did you get it done because Bailey has been talking about wanting to get one for like the past month."

"Oh um.." I muttered while subtly pulling my arm away from her grasp, "I can't remember. Listen, I have got a charms test after breakfast and I'm starving so I think I'm going to go eat."

"Oh okay, we'll I was heading to the library, so I'll see you later in Herbology right?"

"Yes, see you later."

Quickly, I shuffled my feet over to the Great Hall and took a seat at a random Slytherin table with what looked like a few third years.

I had a mouth full of cereal when Theo came and shoved the boy next to me so he could sit.

"Look who's back."

"Hi Theo." I said dryly.

"How was the trip home?"

"What do you want me to say, it was so much fun to be at a funeral and grieve all week."

"Right, sorry. How are your parents?"

"They're sad too, but I guess it's just been harder for me. I was closer to Henrietta."

"Did your mom make any of her double fudge cookies for you."

"Saturday night actually. I asked her to send you a box next time we get postage."

"Brilliant! You know too me well."

Theo and I had know each other since we were young; probably around two.

Theo's mother had also taught at Hogwarts back when father was teaching, so we grew up always around each other.

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