Truth or Dare

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The next day during detention. Snape had asked us to collect all of the apples off of a few trees in the Hogwart's garden after class around 3:30.

There, I told Draco how I wanted to catch Micheal cheating myself so I could really come to terms with the situation, and he agreed to help.

After supper, which I spent next to Ava after yet another fight with the Cheater himself, Draco and I lurked around the hallways until all of the students and teachers had gone in for the night.

That's when we heard the giggling.

Draco had a camera placed across his neck for when we caught them.

Draco was to take a picture of them so that way we could have concrete evidence that Micheal did in fact cheat on the best thing that ever happened to him with some slut.

I wasn't quite sure why Draco was so willing to help, but I sense that it was from the prospect of something happening between us if Micheal did in fact cheat.

Slowly, Draco and I peered around a hallway corner to find Micheal and Abigail in the same position I had seen them last.

It took everything in me to not get up and run away, but I stayed.

Sensing the tension build all throughout my body, Draco gave my an encouraging nudge with his elbow.

"I don't know Abbs, this feels wrong"

"Oh calm down Micheal, y/n's never gonna know" she smiled and kissed him slowly.

As if Draco could sense what was going to happen he took the picture and we walked away.

I had heard and seen it myself; Micheal Abainski cheated on ME with Abigail McDouglas.

We were done.

"He's a dick Kingsley. Just know that."

"Well at least I know it's true" I replied simply.

It took me no time to realize what all this meant.

I had Draco Malfoy practically screaming at me that he was there for me. A man who was undeniably attractive and desired.

"What time did Snape say we have detention tomorrow? I asked

"Right after supper, why"

"Don't make any plans after that"

The next four days of detention were actually not that bad.

Snape left us alone for the most part and Draco and I ended up becoming more friendly with each other.

But for some reason, as soon as he watched my sorrows about Micheal go away, he turned a bit colder towards me.

I didn't mind though, we had plenty of time to get to know each other.

Draco's POV

After seeing her so fragile those past few days, something stirred inside me.

Y/n was just effecting me in a way that no other girls had done before.

I'm not much of the relationship type. All I really cared about was the getting laid part, but this was different.

I genuinely felt bad for the girl after what had happened to her.

But maybe it was the fact that I knew she was more hungry to indulge in her lustful thoughts now more than ever, and if at the end of the day I was still getting laid, I'd be good.

But I still had a reputation to uphold, so I made it clear that our communication was only displayed when we were alone.

What we "have" is a secret, but it isn't anything worth telling, yet...

All around the school, images of Micheal kissing Slut-McDouglas were posted with the caption "I cheated on my 10 girlfriend with a 0 whore".

What really surprised me was the fact that most of the teachers did nothing to take them down.

I could even swear I saw McGonagall smile when she walked by one the other day.

Our last day of detention hit on a Friday.

Draco and I spent our time in what was supposed to be a 2 hour period of silence, but Snape wasn't there so we talked the entire time.

"You want to play truth or dare?" Draco asked

"Why not" I smirked

"Truth or dare"


"What is up with the whole thing if girls going to the bathroom together?"

"Um," I laughed, "I honestly don't know! I kinda think it's weird to be honest" We both laughed.

Truth and Dares like this one were passed back for an hour until it started to get a little more...mature...

"Kingsley, truth or dare"


"What's your bra size?" he smirked

"Wow, um, I'm a 32 D"

He knew it

"Truth or Dare"


"I dare you to go lock the door and turn all the lights off in here"

Draco did as I said and slowly walked back to where she was sitting

"Truth or dare"


"What do you find most irresistible about me?" Draco asked.

"Your eyes"
"Truth or dare"


"What is one thing you wish you could do?" I said confidently.

"Take off your shirt"

"Truth or dare Kingsley"

"Dare." I said firmly

"Lose the shirt."

Slowly from top to bottom, I unbuttoned my white collared shirt and proceeded to throw it on the floor.

Draco stared me up and down for a couple of moments before I spoke.

"Truth of Dare Draco"


"Tell me what you want from me and I'll do it"

He thought for a sly moment.

"My lap,  unbutton the shirt"

Goosebumps traveled up my back as I straddled Draco's lap and unbuttoned his shirt and gently tossed it to the floor.

I ran my fingers across his bare chest.

"Truth or dare"


"What would you do if I kissed you right now"

"I would indulge in it"

Draco was about to say something else but I cut him off

"Truth or Dare" I whispered so close that our noses were almost touching


"Do what ever you want"

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