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(Chase Atlantic, "Swim" (the video) is what I recommend listening to for this part 🥵)

"That was fast" He said with a low, snarky growl.

"I was already leaving so it didn't take long for me to get here" I tried to say as calmly as possible.

"Oh" he said as he stood up off the couch

"Oh what?" I repeated as he made his way towards me.

We were so close I could feel his breath dispersing on my face.

"So your telling me that you didn't run the entire way here and then stop before you came in to recompose yourself, Kingsley?"

"No" I said firmly.

"Oh Darling" Draco said as he caressed my face and grabbed my chin, "We mustn't tell lies"

"Like I said, I'm not-"

"Cheeky little girl" he whispered into my ear, "turn around"

I pulled my face away from his and looked back to where I had entered from.

The entire wall was made out of glass.

Glass that was only visible so you could see out, not in.


My heart dropped as I knew there was no way I could get out of this.

Draco had literally watched me sprint to the room and the stand outside taking deep breaths before entering.

He caught me red-handed in a lie.

Timidly, I turned my head back to Draco.

"I created the walls of hidden glass so that way we could see if anyone was coming or snooping around."

"Clever" I gulped as I looked into his mistempered eyes.

I didn't know what was going to happen.

But I knew Draco was in full control.

He had full power over me in that moment.

"So what are we going to do with you?"

I looked into his eyes, scared but intrigued.

"Lying is naughty y/n, very naughty..."

I bit my lip.

"... and naughty girls get punished." He said mischievously trying to hide the desire taking over his brain.

I wasn't sure how other girls reacted when they were told stuff like this, especially if it was by Draco during a past relationship, but those words drove me absolutely crazy.

In that moment I wanted him. I needed him.

And I was getting him.

Like the bad-arse bitch I was, I wrapped my hands around his neck and said,

"Then punish me"

Draco smirked and crashed his mouth on to my mine, pecking and pulling at my lips.

He wrapped his right hand around my neck and placed his left behind my back so he knew I couldn't get away from him.

Repeatedly, he bit my lips and growled into my mouth as I mimicked his actions with just as much force.

Draco then tightened his grip on my back and picked me up to set my body flat against the leather couch that he had been sitting on minutes earlier.

I ran my hands threw Draco's hair as he moved both his hands up to my neck to hold on to my lower jaw.

The feeling of his rings pressing into my skin made my senses go even more berserk, and I shoved my tongue into his mouth as he moaned in lust and did the same.

The Secrets We Keep (Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now