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***If you actually end up listening to the song, let me know what you think!


The room was spacious.

A ginormous bed laid behind us, and in front of us was a massive glass slider.

We were definitely in a different time zone, because it was still light out.

Through that glass slider, I saw the most beautiful color of sea I have ever seen in my life.

And by bringing my eyes down, I could also see it beneath the floor; the floor was made of glass.

My eyes widened in curiosity as I tried to guess where we could be.

"You're cute when your thinking y/n"

"Draco," I said smiling, "Where are we?"

"The Phi Phi Islands. We are in Thailand"

I've always wanted to go to Thailand, I heard that it had waters like these, but this, this was better than I was expecting.

I've always wanted to go to Thailand, I heard that it had waters like these, but this, this was better than I was expecting

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As I glanced around the room more, I saw through the large windows in the walls that there were no other houses around us.

I was purely alone with Draco Malfoy, in a house in the middle of the ocean.

Could my wildest imaginations have come anymore true?

But then the reality of what we were doing set in my head.

"Draco, everyone will know we are gone if we stay. And even if we did stay for the night, wouldn't we have to go back early in the morning?"

"Awe, my little naive Kingsley. I'm fucking Draco Lucius Malfoy; you don't think I have a whole elaborate plan?" He snickered with a smirk.

"A plan," I said with a retiring smirk.

"This morning, I went to your room to, yes see if you were in there, but drop of an official-looking note that said you were leaving for home, per your parents request, a few days early. I had my owl fly the same one to Dumbledore, so you are excused for the the next 5 days, and I made my own claiming it was from my father. It's just the two of us for the rest of the week."

I was practically screaming on the inside with lust.

"What about my clothes?" I asked.

"I packed your trunk when I went to your room."

"And wow, did you actually put any clothes in it?" I joked.

"I thought about that, but taking off the clothes is part of the fun, isn't it?" He replied with a wink.

"Speaking of clothes," Draco started again, "You look stunning right now Kings"

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