Fire Wiskey

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I felt secure underneath the fuzz of a soft blanket.

There was a slight tingle in my lower forearm and my head felt a bit heavier than usual, but other than that, I felt completely fine.

"Mr. Corvus- 8:57-Expecting you in class- Now"

I assumed that the jumble of half sentences I had heard came from the mouth of Madame Pomfrey.

It sounded like her voice.

I tried to search my mind for the reason I was most likely lying in an infirmary bed, but I couldn't come up with an explanation.

I let out a throaty groan as a wave of pressure over took my scalp and my head began to throb.

Slowly, I lifted my eyelids up to view my surroundings and hopefully spot someone to ease the pain.

My guess was correct as I examined an empty infirmary room with an aggravated Pomfrey sprinting towards me with a vile of pink liquid.

"Oh my dear, you're awake."

"Madam Pomfrey, why exactly am I hear?" I asked patiently.

"Oh, so my diagnosis was correct. I would predict you have no memory of last night?"

"I'm afraid I don't," I admitted; almost sadly as if last night was a story of fictional story I had yet to read.

"Then Miss Kingsley, if you could be so kind as to drink this serum. It will bring back your recollection of the night you experience at Hogsmede. Mr. Corvus said that that's where the two of you had been last night."

"Oh, yes of course," I mumbled, gently taking the container from her wrinkled hands that had been worn out for many years now, "Ooo, smells of cinnamon bark."

In one gulp, I downed the magenta drink and after the fast departure of my headache, a swirl of moments flashed into my mind: moments from last night.

"Now Y/n, what I would like you to do next is lay back and close your eyes. The potion will then react with your body to replay  last night as if you were currently there. Then we can get to the bottom over the cause of your visit."

I leaned back on the bed and closed my eyes tightly once more.

Alright Y/n, let's find out what went so horribly wrong that you ended up in the nurse...


"Zonko's. See Kings, I do know a thing or two 'bout apparation."

"You know Leo," I breathed, letting go of his arm, "I didn't ever really doubt you. 'Figures that you know how to do it."

"Ya, and why's that?" He jokingly teased, taking hold of my hand and starting to stroll down the pathway connecting the shops of Hogsmede.

"I mean, aren't you good at like everything? Great grades, quidditch skills, hair,"I smiled while twirling a few of the strands, "and just life in general."

"Well life isn't always a perfect rose Y/n, it has its thorns too."

"But what could possibly be a thorn for Leonardo Corvus? Falling off a bike while riding?"

I meant that as a joke of course, I fully understood how life could be. But Leo went silent and hid away the smile that was just beaming on his face.

I could tell that I had just made him uncomfortable, and I wanted us to continue having a nice time.

"So, any stores that you want to peak around in?" I asked sympathetically.

"I guess I would say I'm in the mood for a few fizzing whizzbees from Honeydukes."

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