Our First Detention

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Again, I found myself in the Great Hall next to Micheal in the middle of an argument.

"What the fuck is your deal lately. Getting detention for a week, being pissed off all the time. It's like your a different person."

"You know what Micheal, maybe I am so you should just run of to McDouglas and have all your fun with her and leave me alone. I'm going to sit with Bailey, this conversation is over."

I stormed over to the Ravenclaw table and sat with my friend in comfortable silence until supper was over and I headed to Snape's.

Draco was already there, as if eager to see me.

"Malfoy" I said coldly

"Aw, did the two lovers have another brawl."

"Fuck you, Malfoy"

"Mr. Malfoy and Miss. Kingsley," Snape stated as he gestured for us to follow him into his classroom, " I would like you to fill out this packet of responses to the four given stories, and once you are done you may leave for the night. I will be helping Professor Slughorn brew a batch of Poly Juice Potion for Professor Dumbledore. If you need anything, I am next door.

(Yes I know Slughorn is Year 6 but I don't know when I am going to include scenes with him)

Snape left and the two of us began working in silence for a few minutes before Draco practically sprang out of his seat and into the one besides me.

"What did you get for question four, Kingsley?"

"Go do your own work, Draco"

"Draco, that's interesting"

"You know what I meant Malfoy"

"But do you" he grabbed my chin with his soft masculine hand.

His cold rings pressed against my skin and sent goosebumps down my arms.

"Let go" I said as calmly as I could


I slapped his hand and continued working on the packet. I could sense his eyes constantly on me but I didn't care.

I wanted out.

I don't know how he did it but he ended up finishing a few moments before I did, and I reluctantly walked out of the room by his side.

"Tell me Kingsley. What is it like trying to deny that you are crazy about me"

"What? Malfoy what are you even talking about, you're the one that keeps coming to me."

"Am I?" He asked in a sarcastic-shock way.

"Oh my god you are so annoying" I said tying to hide my smile, but that's when we rounded a corner and I spotted them.

Micheal had McDouglas leaned up against a wall. They weren't kissing, they were talking; inches apart from one another.

I swiftly turned on my heel and ran in the opposite direction up into the astronomy tower.

I didn't know what to think. No he hadn't kissed her, but they were to close to each other to be having a civilized conversation.

Tears streamed down my face as I collapsed to the floor and sobbed into my palms.

I didn't hear the door open.


"Draco, if you're here to make fun of me or annoy me just get it over with because I'm in a pretty terrible mood." I choked as tears kept falling.

Draco didn't say anything, but sat down next to me and rubbed my back with circular motions.

At this moment a question popped into my head.

"After I left," I mumbled, " Did-did they d-do anything else...?"

Draco looked down.

"Tell me" I whispered looking directly into his sad eyes.

"Kissed" was all he replied.

My frown deepened, and more tears fell down my face.

I started sobbing even louder, but then Draco wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pushed my head so it rest on his chest.

He then slowly started to pet my hair and he kissed the top of my head.

What was happening. I'm in the Astronomy tower crying about my boyfriend cheating on me, while wrapped in the arms of Draco Malfoy as he kisses and pets my head. I think I've gone insane.

We stayed like that for I don't know who long but it was late. Eventually he said that we should head back and I held his upper arm while we walked back quietly to my room.

"Draco" I said as he was about leave, "Thank you" he nodded and headed towards his room.

In the matter of a few hours, my views on the blonde and brunette had completely changed.

The man who I was once in love with was now dead to me, and Draco... he was there.

But something in me told me to wait. Although I did believe Draco was telling the truth, I needed to see Micheal cheat with my own eyes before ending anything.

And if he did, I knew that a certain blonde haired wizard would help me get over him.

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