Penelope Teardrop's Book For Young Wizards and Witches: Health

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As fast as our interaction happened, it was over.

Draco quickly shoved me to the side and started storming away, but not before yelling.

"Watch where you're going you fucking clutz!"

But don't worry, I definitely saw his subtle smirk and wink

Merlin how could someone be such and adorable arse-hole.

"Jerk" Ava said as I took the empty seat next to her and Theo Nott.

"Oh it's fine" I nervously laughed, "it would be weird if he didn't do that"

My two friends laughed and I quickly sat down to stuff my face with a Friday favorite of taco salad and grapes.

"Wait, so let me get this straight. You and Blaise got so drunk at the Three Broomsticks that Snape had to levitate you both back here and then started screaming at you when you wouldn't stop singing 'Vanilla Ice' (90's reference and yes I know that this is technically a muggle reference but I think it's funny)?!?"

"Pretty much the summary"

Ava and I both burst into laughter to the point where their were tears in my eyes.

"Oh my Merlin! Theo that is ridiculous!" Ava yelled while she hit Nott's shoulder.

They both started laughing again, but all I could think about was their obvious chemistry.

Ava and her boyfriend had broken up a while ago, so it was happy to see her so lively again.

"What?" Asked Ava nervously.

"Oh nothing" I replied with an angelic smile.

"I'll just leave you two hear you keep...talking" I winked at Ava and she rolled her eyes, but I secretly knew she was VERY grateful... I would here all about it later.

But I didn't just leave because of feeling like a third wheel. We were the only three left in the Great Hall and I decided that it would be beneficial to get a little study time in.

I skipped into my green room to grab a couple of text books and set of notes and ran into Pansy in the common room on my way out.

"It's a really nice day today isn't it. Where you heading."

"Oh" I smiled "I think I'm going to head down to the lake for a little bit of alone time."

I swear as soon as the "alone" left my mouth I heard a loud shift of a bed coming from up the stairs of the boys' corridors.

"All right, well have a good day!" Pansy said.

I still didn't get why people thought she was so mean...


I was currently studying my "Penelope Teardrop's Book For Young Wizards and Witches: Health" when I heard the crunch of a footstep coming from the woods.

I was seated in a secluded area that I liked to call my "secret spot" so I was horrified by the noise and clutched my wand a little harder.

"The heart pumps around 1,900 gallons of blood per day. Interesting"

I quickly shot up from my seat and turned around in one frantic movement, then extended my arm to show that I was ready to defend myself.

"Woah" he put his hands up innocently "A little feisty today aren't we Kingsley" he smirked

"Draco you scared me" I brought down my hand and clutched my chest.

"I'm sorry darling" he moved a little closer and grabbed the belt loop of my jeans. He looked down to the button and back up to my face with cheesy looking eyes.

The Secrets We Keep (Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now