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I stormed into the Great Hall, a bit flustered by my conversation with Draco.

I knew that he had a reputation of being the bad boy that every girl wanted, but I never thought that I would be one of them...

Wait what am I saying, I have a boyfriend who is amazing.

As I remembered how lucky I was to have a partner like Micheal, I looked over at the table to find him.

He was laughing with a fellow Slytherin named Abigail McDouglas; known for only going after guys who were already in relationships.

Already in a bad mood I stomped over to the table and sat besides Micheal, kissing him passionately so she would definitely take a hint.

"Oh hi McDouglas, unfortunately you can't sink your disgusting little claws into my boyfriend. Better find some other unfortunate soul to bother."

Micheal locked at me shocked. "Wow that was rude"


"Ya y/n I was just having a conversation with Micheal, you really hurt my feelings" she said sarcastically and obviously lying.

I could not believe it.

My boyfriend was sticking up for boyfriend-stealing-slut McDouglas?

"Whatever! I'm going to sit with Ava!" I yelled, while standing up and turning around so fast that I collided with someone.

"Trouble in paradise Kingsley?" Draco said softly yet charismatic as his hot breath hit my face like a warm summer breeze.

"Shove off Malfoy" I spat as I walked through him, forcing his body to the side, and I walked a few meters down to Ava's seat.

"Trouble in paradise my arse" I cursed under my breath.

"What's wrong; you look tense"

"Nothing," I replied as I shoved Pansy to scoot down so I could sit next to Ava, "Slut-McDouglas has turned my boyfriend against me and after 5 years of being avoided, Malfoy has decided to take a shot at messing with me"

"Aw I'm sorry. Micheal will come around but I wouldn't count on Draco"

I spent the rest of the meal listening to the conversations that Ava had, nodding my head a few times to show that I was responsive.

But the endless plates of chicken, mashed potatoes, and ginger snap cookies were to delicious to not devote my full attention to.

As I walked back to my room in the Dungeons, I couldn't help but remember that encounter with Draco outside the train of how handsome he was.

A small smiled emerged on my face but quickly disappeared as I saw Micheal and the slut giggling in the common room.

Bloody fantastic.

"Come on y/n we are going to be late for breakfast." Ava called

The first day of 5th year.

Following the monstrosity of last nights events, I decided to put more thought into my outfit.

I straightened my natural wavy (but not too wavy) hair and applied sparkly green eyeshadow and liner, along with my regular foundation, powder, blush routine.

I picked out a cropped green sweater with a low V-neck and a small pleated black skirt, and I was happy that they weren't requiring robes on the first day.

I tied it all together with a pair of black tights and black Doc Martens and made may way into the common room and out to the great hall,

I tied it all together with a pair of black tights and black Doc Martens and made may way into the common room and out to the great hall,

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"Damn Kingsley" "Woah" "Morning to you too"

I chuckled as I passed by a few aw-stricken boys.

"I'm gonna say hi to the rest of the group, coming"

"Of course," I replied to Ava as way made our way into the Great Hall.

We chatted with the rest of the Sunny's for about 5 minutes before sitting down at Slytherin and stuffing our plates with cinnamon roles and pineapple.

"Wow someone's hungry" Micheal laughed as he sat down and wrapped his arm around me.

As much as I wanted to be mad at him, I decided that it was a new day and just laughed with him as I took another bite.

I could sense two pairs of eyes on me that morning .

The first being Slut-McDouglas as she growled with disappointment towards Micheal for coming back to me.

The second belonged to a pair of cold grey eyes that were not entirely fixed upon me, but upon the arm that held me close to my lover.

What do you think? Let me know I'm sorry this one was shorter Xxxx

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