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"Do whatever you want"

Within not even seconds, Draco's lips came crashing into mine.

Passionate and rough, soft and gentle, my head was spinning as everything started happening.

Eagerly I kissed him back as he clutched my back harder and I ran my fingers through his silky platinum hair.

Draco intentionally bit my lower lip, waiting for acceptance to let him enter my mouth and I almost gasped as his tongue started to explore my own.

Draco and I were seated on top of a table, so he slowly lowered my back down so I was flat against its surface and he was on top of me . Draco kissed me harder this time and I moaned softly into his mouth.

He then growled and moved his lips to my neck, kissing each area of skin leaving bruises along the way and I breathed into his ear as each powerful kiss made me shudder, which only inspired him even more.

He then started to kiss the line of my collarbone. I could almost see him smiling as he laid each kiss into my skin, but he quickly caught himself and rushed his lips back to my own earning an even louder moan from my mouth this time.

I felt something hard against my inner thigh and Draco instantly picked me up off the table and pushed my back into a near wall.

I groaned as he once again moved his lips up and down my neck and snaked his arms around my lower back implying for me to jump.

I jumped and straddled my legs around him, latching my arms around his neck, while he once again slammed me into the wall for support.

Draco stopped kissing me and looked down at the black jeans that I was wearing and undid the first button.

I looked away to try and hide the pink blush spreading across my cheeks but glanced at the clock instead.


Snape said two hours at 3:45, it was 5:40.

"Draco" I gasped trying catch my breath.

He growled a signifying yes as he grabbed my arse with both hands.

"The time!" I chocked out.

He turned his head and cursed under his breath, running to go turn on the lights and unlock the door.

I efficiently buttoned my shirt backup and fixed my appearance in a mirror on the wall while Draco did the same.

I examined each individual bruise on my neck, wincing from the pain, but smiling from the pleasure.

Before I could head back to my seat, Draco draped his arms around my waist and pulled me close.

"That was...fun" He whispered while winking.

I gave him a soft peck which he eagerly pursued, but then we heard foot steps out in the hall and rushed back to our seats on opposite sides of the classroom.

Moral of this part of the story is Draco and I sat quietly the entire time Snape was gone like the good kids we are ;)

"Well that was your week," He stated as he swiftly
moved to the front of the room, "enjoy your freedom."

Oh Draco and I sure will.
"But everyone is going to be away tonight and we would have the whole Slytherin Chambers to ourselves." Draco whined as he pulled me in closer to his body.

"Yes but we've been together every night for the past two weeks and I have already made plans with my friends." I tried to pull away but he kept a firm grip on my wrists.

"Well you can always... reschedule," He said with a firm smirk, "and making out in an empty classroom for 20 minutes is not a whole night together." He complained and tried to lean in for a kiss.

But the the laughter of two notorious Slytherin boys filled the room.

Draco accidentally pushed me on to the couch since the noise had startled him.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here. Did you finally bang little miss 'I'm perfect' Malfoy" Sneered Crabbe.

"Hahaha Draco you are the man!" Goyle yelled as he high fived Draco.

"No, we didn't fuck!" He yelled, "Why would I ever do something like that with such an uptight prude!"

The two boys burst into laughter, I sat there bewildered as they each went into their rooms to grab their suitcases for the Year 5 boys overnight trip to Hogsmede.

All of the Year 5 girls were going to the Wizard Lux Spa overnight, but a few people, including Draco, decided they wouldn't go to either.

The Two Slytherins left leaving Draco and I alone as he sat next to me on the sofa.

"Y/n I swear I didn't mean it. It was just-"

"No I get it, it's fine. See you tomorrow Draco." I tried to leave but he grabbed my hand.

"No your not leaving like that all mad at me."

"Draco let go you are hurting me."

"Well your not fucking leaving until we make up and make out."

"Draco stop I don't have time for this."

"No you stop!" He threw me flat onto the sofa and got on top of me, kissing my lips roughly as his whole body pressed into my own.

I left happily after a good 20 minute make-out sesh and instantly regretted not staying the night as Draco slapped my arse and said his final goodbye for the night.

The Secrets We Keep (Draco x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now