🎶 Practice 🎶

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(Jakes P.O.V)

Right now I'm walking to the music room for practice, and for once.......

I'm not late!

Thank the holy merciful gods that I get to experience this one time, now time to open the door and see whats going on today.

I walk in and see........Milly and Zander fighting again, jeez can't these two be in the same room or space without fighting? Eh its ok, I like that they are comfortable being themselves around me its just shows that they trust me more! Now time to actually pratice,

*After practice*

"Alright times up!" Hailey announces

I grab my backpack and head to the most dreadful class yet......MATH! I don't understand how some people like math I mean once your good at it I guess it's fun? I don't know anyway I couldn't focus so much with so much on my mind, I wanna help Luke and Zander confess to eachother and make sure Haliey knows I am really in this club for real, and confess to Daisy, ugh so much and so little time the competition is like two months away! I dont know how were gonna do, but hopefully it goes well.

*After School*

I start making my way to the front door of the school, but then suddenly

"Leave me alone!"

Who said that? I look around to see who had yelled in distress

"I said back off!"

I immediately recognized who that was........

It was Milly.

I quickly rush to where she yelled and saw these guys holding my friends Haliey, Zander, Sean, and Luke, and as you can guess these dudes were bothering Milly. I felt my anger get the best of me and sneaked up behind the dude that was giving Milly a hard time.

"You know you shouldn't treat a girl like that." I say

Everyone looked at me, especially my friends they looked terrified.

"Who the hell are you?!" The guy responded

"The person who's gonna beat your ass for messing with my family."

I punched him then kicked him and then fought all of the guys there, there were seven in total.

*After beating there asses*

They ran away like cowards, I was covered in blood, bruises, cuts, and was in some pain, I look at my friends and ask

"You guys okay?"

They all nod with worried expressions on their faces and Hailey grabs my hand and asks

"Are you okay?"

"Im fine besides what matters is-"

I started coughing and heard everyone gasp.....as I look down I see blood on my pants and hands, I realized why they were so shocked I had just coughed up blood, no joke.

"Oh my God Jake we need to get you to a hospital!" Hailey yelled

*Flashback to the fight*

"Let's see what you do when I bring out this!"

I saw him holding a knife....damm am I glad I came at the right time! Who knows what could've happened to my family? (Music club)

"Pfft like that scares me!" I tease

He starts trying to cut me, but I dodge in time and kick his leg which he responds with kicking my stomach, I stumble back a bit and then he cuts me in the stomach....not to deep but painful.

"Jake!" I hear the music club members yell

"Im alright!" I yell

*End of flashback*

Damm, what a bunch of jerks! I start to stand up properly then see my surroundings get fuzzy and faint, the last thing I heard was

"Jake! Please get up!"


593 words

Me: can you give me ideas because I have an idea for one part of the story, but its gonna take a tiny bit before I get there....probably chapter 5 or 6 maybe. So I would appreciate you giving me ideas! Anyway gonna go now! Bye love you all!

646 words

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