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5.. 6.. 7.. 8..

You sneaked into Bakugou's backyard once again, you were much grumpier this saturday, your whole week was fine eversince you became friends with the Bakusquad.

Neito was the reason you were grumpy. After school, he immediately went to contact your parents about your attitude, resulting in your phone getting confiscated for the whole week of class.

You got your phone back today and immediately went to Bakugou's backyard and sat in your usual place.

You brought your ukulele with you, planning on jamming while Bakugou does his thing.

You waited for a while, but when Bakugou didn't emerge from the closed door, you stood up. You walked towards the door and knocked.

It didn't take too long for his mother to open it, "Oh (Y/N)!" She exclaimed, confused as to why you were in their backyard again.

"Hi, Katsuki's mother!" You waved, showing her your smile. "Where's Katsuki?" You immediately asked. "He's in his room, I'll call him for you. Wait here" she instructed, closing the door.

"KATSUKI!! (Y/N)'S HERE!" you heard her shout from inside the house, you heard a shout seconds later but you didn't understand what it said.

"What the fuck do you want?" You were met with vermilion eyes, you smiled. "Let's hang out" you invited, walking towards your spot next to the tree.

"You train or something, i'll do my own thing." You instructed, Bakugou grunted, "Tch, do it yourself." He muttered.

"It's boring without you," you whined, pouting. You pat the grass beside you, "Seat here!" you invited. Bakugou rolled his eyes before he walked over to you though he didn't seat beside you but he started stretching of you.

Good thing he was already in a tank top so he doesn't need to change anymore. Bakugou noticed the instrument you were carrying. "What's that?" he asked, as he trained. "a ukulele" you answered as you strummed.

"Tch" Bakugou only muttered, while you, continued to strum your ukulele. You then started singing, "Look at you strawberry BITCH!" Bakugou immediately turned to you when you cussed out loud.

He wouldn't admit it but your singing voice was good. "You look like a BITCH!" you cussed once again which made Bakugou growl.

"Oh my god you're such a bitchhh" you prolonged, then turning to Bakugou, you flinch when you saw his glare. "Are you fucking singing that to me?" he asked as he cracked his knuckles as if ready for a fight.

"No!" you immediately defended yourself, "It's for Neito" you added. You noticed Bakugou's face soften but his glare remained. "He reported me once again to my mom, I was just saying some facts to him that day." you said, putting down your ukulele.

"What did your mom do?" he asked, you took out your phone and waved it, "separated this from me for a week." you answered opening your phone to entertain yourself.

"and you're fucking okay with yelling 'bitch' out loud?" he added, squinting his eyes at you. "Yea" you nodded, "my parents are away for a business trip." you answered as you looked up at him.

Bakugou didn't talk after that and just trained. You on the other hand, played with your phone. "Hey Bakugou?" you called, he stopped for a while to look at you before he started training once again.

"You should hang out with me in my backyard once in a while," you stated. Bakugou gave you a confused look, "We could hang out in the trampoline!" you yelled excitedly. "I don't have fucking time." He answered.

You pouted, "You should prolly take a rest from all that training." you stated as you saw his sweaty form. Luckily, he didn't argue, he nodded before he went inside his house, you squinted your eyes at the closed door.

'He better not leave me here' you thought as you continued playing in your phone. A few minutes later, Bakugou emerged out of the door wearing a new tank top and sweatshirt.

Bakugou sat beside you and closed his eyes. You stared at his face for a while, 'How on earth is a man more beautiful than me?!' you complained inside of your head.

Bakugou could feel your gaze at him, "Tch, stop staring you creep." he growled, you immediately turned away, hiding the blsuh that crept on your face. "I was not staring." you defended yourself. "Yeah" Bakugou just muttered.

"Have your friends come to your house?" you started a topic. Bakugou gave you a side glance. "I don't invite those extras to my house." he muttered. You smiled at him, "So I'm the first friend that came to your house?" you asked.

"You sneaked into my fucking backyard," he corrected, "and you're not my fucking friend." he added. You pouted at what he said. "You're mean" you whined. Bakugou just smirked.

"So, you're home alone? You said your parents are on a business trip." Bakugou asked, You shook your head even though Bakugou couldn't see you. "Nope, i have my house maids to keep me company, they're really nice." you smiled. "Good for you" he muttered.

You then heard one of your house maids calling for you, "(Y/N)! You should go home now!" She shouted as she waved at you. Bakugou opened his eyes when he heard your maid.

You stood up and patted your behind to get rid of some dirt. "I'm going now! Next time, you should meet me in my backyard!" you invited, as you waved your hand as a sign of farewell before you entered your backyard through the loose fence.

5.. 6.. 7.. 8..

exams are coming in hot, i hate it.

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