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Tomorrow's a freaking monday

Tomorrow's a freaking monday

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5.. 6.. 7.. 8..

You sat in your dorm's common room, beside Shinsou and some of your classmate, you were just done unpacking your luggage and organizing your room.

Shinsou was quiet beside you again, you didn't even know if mentally present. You layed down on the couch, using Shinsou's lap as a pillow while your feet layed on one of your girl classmate's lap.

"What are you doing, (Y/N)?" Shinsou asked annoyed as he tried to push your head away from his lap, you didn't answer him since you immediatly thought that he might use his quirk on you so that he can order you to remove your head from his lap.

You just shook your head and didn't budge from your position, your classmate didn't complain about your feet in her lap so you didn't remove it.

You took your phone from your pocket, feeling Shinsou's hand as he started caressing your hair since he knew that you like someone playing with your hair.

(Author-chan: Why am I randomly throwing Shinsou x reader here?)

You opened your phone, randomly opening some apps to play before closing them once you get bored. Minutes of playing before you got a notification, you opened it, your eyes meeting Bakugou's text messages.

Fucking extras doing a room tour

The text message said, you chuckled which made Shinsou look at you. You started typing a reply back. Your classmate carefully lifted your feet, signalling that she'll go back to her room so you bid a goodbye.

Sucks, i'm just chilling in
the common room.

You sent, seconds after you sent it, Bakugou initiated a video call. You quickly pressed answer, meeting Bakugou's vermilion red eyes. Shinsou was currently watching T.V so he doesn't know the call that started between you and Bakugou.

"Where are you?" You asked, pointing the camera at your face so that Bakugou could see you clearly. He was using his arm as a pillow once again as his other hand was holding the phone infront of his face.

"My room" Bakugou muttered, you nodded your head. Shinsou was now looking at you, aware that you were talking to somebody through the phone.

Bakugou just stared at you, his eyes glaring at the hand that was caressing your hair.

"Where are you?" He asked, his voice deadly serious and deep. "Common room." You answered, confused on why he was asking again when you said where you were in your last text message.

"Who's with you?" He asked, Shinsou was now looking at you, also waiting for your answer. "Shinsou," you answered. Bakugou rolled his eyes when he heard your answer.

"Get away from his damn lap, dumbass" Bakugou ordered but you didn't obey. You looked at him, a confused look etched on your face. "But it's comfortable" you whined.

Shinsou heard what Bakugou said, continuing on teasing him, he placed his hand on your forehead, drawing things like a heart before he went back to caressing your hair.

Bakugou growled before he ended the call. You just shrugged and watched some tv with Shinsou. It took a few minutes before you got tired and walked towards the elevator, saying goodbye and goodnight to Shinsou before you do so.

You took the elevator to get to your floor, passed some rooms before you arrived in yours. It was not much, but it looks like your room in your house, except that it's much smaller.

You layed on your bed, pulling the blanket over your body. You took your phone from your pocket and initiated a video call with Bakugou.

"It took too long for you to fucking call back" He growled once he answered the call, "well sorry, i watched the news" you mumbled.

"You guys done with the room tour thingy?" You asked, starting a conversation. Bakugou nodded, "I locked my doors and didn't come out." He mumbled staring at your (e/c) orbs.

"You're a killjoy, have some fun." You chuckled, Bakugou rolled his eyes, a smirk creeping up to his face.

"I'm going to miss Kasumi" you said, rolling over to your side, Bakugou just hummed. "I'll also miss the literally short walk from my house to your house." You added.

"What does that mean?" He asked, confusion sketched onto his face. "It means, I might be lazy to walk towards your dorm." You answered. Bakugou snorted, "Lazy ass" he mumbled.

"If I might visit, I gotta get permission from Aizawa" you mumbled, "don't" Bakugou muttered, you rolled your eyes at him. "Don't say that. You'll come running to me when i'm at your dorm."

"Dream, dumbass" he chuckled. "If you won't pay attention to me, i'll just hang out with the 'damn nerd' that you hate" you teased. Bakugou immediately growled when he heard what he calls Midoriya.

"I hate you." He said, you smiled sweetly at him, not even bothered at what he said. "No, you don't" you said.

Bakugou and you didn't talk to each other for a while, you just left the phone leaning on your pillow so that even if you won't hold it, Bakugou could still see your face.

You turned around, showing Bakugou your back. He didn't say anything so you assumed that he was just doing his own thing. You stayed in that position for a while before you turned back around to face your phone.

Only to meet Bakugou sleeping peacefully. You smiled when you noticed a small smile etched on his face. "He looks so cute, oh god." You whispered as you took your phone, capturing a screenshot.

You stared at his face for a while before you felt drowsyness fill your body.

"Goodnight, Katsu." You mumbled even though Bakugou couldn't hear it. You smiled before you ended the call, placing your phone  on your bedside table.

You fixed the way your blanket was wrapped around your body before sleep eventually came.

5.. 6.. 7.. 8..

This was supposed to be a double update... but I only finished one chapter.

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