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Research, hell no.

Research, hell no

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5.. 6.. 7.. 8..

You plopped yourself down on your bed, not knowing what to do. You were bored and hanging out with Bakugou is invalid since he left for the training camp.

Neito also went to the training camp so you totally have no one to hang out with except Kasumi, who was busy in the kitchen with her mother.

You were about to close your eyes and try to sleep when your phone beeped, you lazily rolled over and took your phone from your bedstand, opening it to check who called. Your eyes lit up when an unknown number texted you.

Hey, it's Bakugou.

The text said, a smile creeping up on your face. 


You immediately replied, Bakugou on the other hand had a small smile on his face, "What you smiling at, Bakubro?" Kirishima asked, leaning a bit to check on Bkaugou's phone which earned him a growl. "Get away from me, shitty hair." He threatened, Kirishima nodded but the smirk was still on his face.

It's really boring w/o you :(

Told u, you'll miss me

Even through the phone, you could feel Bakugou's smirk. You rolled your eyes and didn't reply, testing if Bakugou would do something about it, and he did.

Don't fucking leave me on read, idiot.

You chuckled when you read the last message, you were about to type an answer when your phone rang, out of shock you let go of your phone. You looked at the caller and your eyes went wide when you saw who it was.

Boomboomboi wants to facetime you

Without hesitating, you answered the call immediately meeting Bakugou's vermilion orbs. "Fuck you for ignoring my messages." He started, your face contorted into a frown when you heard what he greeted you with.

"Why'd you call if you'll just curse me?" You asked, rolling your eyes at him. Bakugou had a smirk on his face, you were about to end tye videocall when Kirishima came into view.

"KIRISHIMA!" You exclaimed as you waved at him, he immediately smiled back at you which you gladly returned.

"Mind your own business, shitty hair." He growled, glaring at the poor red head. "Shut up, Bakugou. I want to talk to Kirishima" you muttered as you glared at the ash blonde.

Bakugou's glare turned to you, you then felt a chill ran up your spine. "You're talking to me." He mumbled, his voice deep as he growled.

Feeling brave, you rolled your eyes at him before a smirk crept your face, which was the last sight that Bakugou could see before you ended the video call.

You immediately laughed when you did it, knowing the consequences(?) to come, but hey, he isn't going to be around for 2 days.

Your phone emitted sounds once again, you took it and answered without looking at who it is. You were greeted with Bakugou's glare that could definitely kill if glares could kill.

"Hey!" You greeted him, ignoring the way he looked at you. "Why did you end the fucking call?" He asked, you gulped when you heard his voice. "'Cause you were mean to me" yoi pouted, Bakugou scoffed before he rolled his eyes at you.

You then noticed his position, he was leaning towards the window and you noticed how near the camera was to his face. You just chose to ignore it and smiled.

"So, what are you currently doing?" You asked, trying to start a conversation.

"It's fucking boring, this trip is boring and i'm stuck with some shitty extras" Bakugou answered, you just chuckled since you expected that answer from him.

"SHUT UP, DAMN EXTRAS" He exclaimed which lessen the murmurs going around in the bus. "Sorry about that, bakubro" Kirishima mumbled as he scratched behind his ear.

"Calm down, geez" you muttered as you rolled your eyes. You got out of bed and placed your phone on your desk, letting in lean on your pencil holder.

"What are you doing?" He asked as he looked at you. You took out your notebook, taking a pen before you scribbled. "I'm writing down some things." You answered.

"Why?" Bakugou held a questioning look on his face. "Just because" you mumbled, Bakugou scoffed, about to say something when you heard Aizawa's voice from afar, signalling them to get out of the bus.

"I gotta go." Bakugou muttered, looking at your (e/c) orbs. You nodded, "Take care for me, will you?" You mumbled, a soft smile sketched on your face. Bakugou grunted but he nodded before he ended the video call.

That was your last conversation with Bakugou before the Kamino incident happened, you were scared to the core when you heard about the news about a student being kidnapped.

You prayed that it was neither your cousin or Bakugou but unfortunately, Bakugou was the one kidnapped. You can still remember the way your heart sank when you heard about it.

You and Kasumi was scared when you watched the fight happening being broadcasted in T.V. though all you could think about is what Bakugou feels at the moment.

You didn't know how to feel about the fight, in fact half of the fight your eyes were closed and you were gripping your pillow very hard.

You were also shocked when you saw All Might's true form.

You teared up when All Might won the fight, hugging Kasumi in the process. Currently, you were inside your room, looking out the window where you could perfectly see Bakugou's backyard.

The only thing new is that Bakugou wasn't training there like you were used to. It's been a day after the incident and you were really worried for your friend.

You have read your conversation for the tenth time, looking outside the window from time to time. Until you got tired of it and walked towards the loose fence, swinging it to the side before you crossed it.

Standing infront of the door, you hesitated for awhile before you knocked, the door opened and you were greeted by Bakugou's mother.

She gave you a smile, "here for Bakugou?" She asked, you slowly nodded before she opened the door wide enough for you to enter.

You followed her towards the stairs before she stopped infront of the door, she nodded at you which you replied with a smile before she left you all alone standing infront of the door.

You didn't know what to do, you didn't know how to comfort someone. But here you are now, hovering your fist across Bakugou's door. You sighed before you knocked, waiting for the ash blonde to open the door.

5.. 6.. 7.. 8..

Rushed ending, hope you liked this chapter. Also, i feel like shigaraki but except scratching my neck, I always scratch my lips that's why they kept on bleeding :)

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