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5.. 6.. 7.. 8..

You angered(?) Bakugou after the cuddling session.

After he fell asleep again, you slowly lifted his arm that was draped over your waist.

Everytime you tried this, he would immediately pull you back close to him. The first try wasn't a success, he immediately placed his hands back on your waist and pulled you close.

You can't just stay there and wait for the ash blonde. You waited a few minutes before the second try. You saw the pillow that Bakugou hugged last night behind him. You slowly took it and place it behind you.

Kami, Kiri, Mina, and Sero left you all alone once the 4 of them woke up. You could use their help on the plan that you were going to do.

You held Bakugou's hand, slowly lifting it up. Once you got enough space to not touch his hand whil you move, you slowly got out of your place and placed the pillow beside him. You slowly placed his arm back on the pillow.

It was a success, Bakugou didn't suspect anything and he still looked peaceful as he slept. You walked towards the door.

But you stopped and turned towards the ash blonde. You walked towards his place, brushed the ash blonde locks away from his forehead before you placed a kiss.

After you did it, you immediately went out of his room, carefully closing the door behind you. "Oh, Hi (Y/N)!" Kirishima greeted as he passed you.

"Hey" you smiled as you walked towards the elevator. "Is Bakugou awake already?" Kirishima asked as he walked beside you. You shook your head as an answer.

"I didn't know you can escape his grasp like that." He chuckled. "It was hard." You mutterred as you entered the elevator while Kirishima stayed on the floor.

"Well, Hope you could hang out with us again!" You heard him say, "I'll visit often!" You exclaimed before the door closed.

Once you arrived at the ground floor. You met some of his classmates, "Where's Bakugou?" Deku asked as he eyed you. "Still asleep, probably sleep deprived because he slept at 9:32 pm." You joked.

Deku just chuckled and you just smiled as you bid farewell to Bakugou's classmates, saying that you enjoyed your time with them.

you immediately walked towards the big doors. "Leaving already?" Todoroki asked as he stood beside you.

"I got to." You chuckled as you opened the door, waving goodbye at Todoroki before you started walking towards 1C Alliance.

Your walk towards your dorm was so quiet yet you enjoyed it. Once you arrived, you opened the door wide enough for you to enter. Your classmates lounging on the common room immediately looked at you.

"I'm back" You muttered as you walked towards the elevator, passing Shinsou as you did so. "So how'd it go?" He asked.

"The Bakusquad had a sleepover and I joined. God I should have informed you that I'm staying for the night, you could've joined me." You said as you gave him a sideglance.

"Next time." He mumbled before he left you all alone. You chuckled as you heard Shinsou's reply.

Once you were inside your own room, you immediately took a bath, not wanting to stay in the clothes that you used for a whole day.

Surprisingly, your clothes smelled like you smothered caramel all over it. You didn't pay attention to it and just took your bath.

(Author-chan: The caramel thing ain't canon tho, which makes me kinda sad.)

You spent some time taking your bath. As you exited the bathroom, all fully clothed, you immediately noticed your phone vibrating.

You walked towards it, expecting Bakugou's name on the screen. And you were right. You immediately answered it, surprised that it's a normal call and not a video call.

"Hi Katsu." You softly greeted as you answered the call. You heard Bakugou growl on the other end.

"Don't 'Hi Katsu' me" He growled, "Why is there a fucking pillow beside me?" He asked which made you chuckle. "I put it there" you answered which made Bakugou growl once again.

"Where the fuck are you?" Bakugou asked on the other end. "1C Alliance." You answered.

"So you went back to your dorm without even telling me?!" He exclaimed, you could totally imagine the frown on his face.

"Open your cam, Katsu" you ordered which he obeyed as you saw his face on your screen, and you were right, he was frowning. "Answer my question" he said, glaring at you through the screen.

"I did." You answered, a smile on your face just to annoy Bakugou. "I hate you." He said but that didn't affect you.

"Nah, I'm not believing that." You muttered, "I know you don't hate me and I'm sure of it." You added with a smirk.

Bakugou just rolled his eyes at you and stayed quiet.

"So you say that you hate me because I wasn't beside you when you woke up?" You asked, your smirk still not faltering. Bakugou looked away.

"Yeah." He mumbled, you noticed a tinge of pink coloring his cheek. "That's cute!" You exclaimed as you softly smiled at him, the teasing smirk long gone.

"But why?" You asked, Bakugou looked at you as he answered, "Because you're my damn teddy bear." He answered. You felt your heart beat faster than the usual.

"ACKK" You exclaimed as you dropped your phone. "The fuck, dumbass. What happened?" He asked, concern laced on his voice.

"(Y/N) has been defeated. Katsuki Bakugou made her heart go boom boom." You mumbled. You heard Bakugou chuckle on the other hand.

"This is no laughing matter" you exclaimed as you took your phone. "Yeah yeah" Bakugou chuckled as he stood up from his bed and walked towards the door.

"You're still in your room?" You asked with disbelief. "Yeah, I gotta go now." Bakugou mumbled with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Yeah same, I need to go have breakfast." You said as you sat up on your bed. You were about to end the call when Bakugou said something, "When's your next visit?" He asked.

"I don't know." You scratched the behind of your ear. "I got to take a look if I have a free day, and also if my teacher would allow me." You added.

Bakugou just nodded, "Okay. I'll go now, Teddy bear." He smiled at the camera. You immediately looked at him, shock written all over your face.

"IS THAT MY NEW NICKNAME? TEDDY BEAR? OMG I NEVER KNEW-" You got cut off due to Bakugou ending the call. Your shoulders slumped and you immediately typed in a message.

"I hate you." Bakugou read the message as a smile crept onto his face. He didn't reply and just walked towards the elevator, where a small purple boy stood up.

Mineta didn't notice that Bakugou arrived which is why he didn't stop his murmuring. "If I could just have one look under that hoodie of hers. Damn, Bakugou is lucky." He murmured. Bakugou heard what Mineta said.

Let's just say that Mineta still is avoiding talking about you whenever Bakugou is near to avoid the explosion that he almost experienced that day. Good thing Kaminari was there to stop the said Explosive blonde.

5.. 6.. 7.. 8..

Kinda early for my desired update time.

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