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5.. 6.. 7.. 8..

You walked out of your bathroom once you were done showering. You used your towel to dry your hair, looking outside your balcony. Your dorm's front yard was plain, nothing fun to look at.

Not like at your home where you can stare all day outside the window that overlooks Bakugou's backyard. It was a great view, especially with an ash blonde training from time to time, wearing a tank top.

You chuckled to yourself when you thought of the days you were just looking at your neighbor. Admiring him for being set on his goals, and also hating him for cursing Izuku everytime.

You just finished your routine and went out of your room, meeting with Shinsou for the two of you to walk towards school.

"What happened yesterday?" Shinsou asked once you were out of the dorms, you wouldn't want a certain person eavesdropping.

"He confessed." You mumbled, a small smile creeping up to your face when you remembered how Bakugou didn't want to let you go.

Shinsou secretly smiled when he saw your face.

"So you're a couple now?" He asked, giving you a sideglance. You hummed as an answer. "That's nice." Shinsou mumbled.

"So, who's gonna tell Himari?" Shinsou said, chuckling to himself. You smirked at him which creeped Shinsou out.

"Why is your face like that? You look ugly." He said as he glared at you. You squinted your eyes at the insomniac man.

"This face ain't ugly. I just snatched the whole meal. whole menu? whole restaurant? I don't know." You sighed when Shinsou chuckled. You just glared at him before you walked faster.

"Hey! Come back here!" Shinsou exclaimed as he walked faster to catch up to you. You ran before he could which made the two of you chuckle.

"Fuck you, Shinsou!" You exclaimed. Shinsou stopped, "I'm telling this to that Copy cat." He threatened which made you stop, crossing your arms across your chest.

"You're a snitch." You mumbled. Shinsou just smirked before he walked up to you. "Let's just walk to school" Shinsou mumbled before he shoved his hands inside his pockets.

"Yeah yeah" you agreed as you rolled your eyes at the purple haired boy. The walk was silent, one you always enjoy with Shinsou 'cause if you're just gonna get teased.

You looked down at the ground, kicking some innocent rock. You didn't notice that you passed a certain dorm, where a group just exited.

Bakugou groaned when Kirishima and Kaminari messed with each other once again. He doesn't even know why he's walking to school with them.

"Hey Kiri, did you know that the watery thing in the ketchup is its precum?" Kami asked which made the rest of the group look at him like he was crazy.

(Author-chan: I saw this in a comment in my book. Correct me if the statement is kinda wrong.)

"What?" Kami asked like he didn't just blurted out a weird thing to ask. Mina rolled her eyes at the electric boy.

"Just shut up, Kaminari." She muttered as she let out a yawn. Kirishima nodded, while Sero just patted the electric boy's back.

"I know about that Ketchup thing." Sero whispered which made Kaminari's face brighten up.

"You do?!" Kaminari exclaimed as he stared at Sero's eyes. Sero nodded with a smile plastered on his face. "It's kinda weird though" Sero stated.

"No, it's no-"

"Shut the fuck up." Bakugou cut Kaminari off as they exited their dorm. Kaminari looked down again and Sero just patted his back.

Bakugou looked infront of him, some extras walking pass their dorm rooms. Except for the (h/c) haired female walking beside the purple haired male.

He immediately walked pass Kirishima, startling the red head in the process. "Hey Bakubro, where are you going?" Kiri asked before he walked faster to catch up to the ash blonde.

"Tch, don't follow me." Bakugou growled before he walked much faster. Kirishim just tilted his head and looked at him with confusion.

'We walk the same path to school though.' Kirishima thought, but he just shrugged it off and still followed the ash blonde, the rest of the bakusquad trailing behind them.

"Oi!" Bakugou called before he went beside you, Your eyes widened when you felt Bakugou's presence.

"Katsu, didn't see you there!" You greeted where he replied with a groan. You just chuckled and looked down once again, kicking the same innocent rock.

Bakugou sneakily snaked his arm around your shoulder before he pulled your close to his body. He glared at Shinsou who raised his eyebrows due to what Bakugou did.

"What?" He asked, raising his brow at the purple haired male. Shinsou just shook his head before he looked straight infront of him.

"Woah, are they together? Like a couple?" Kami asked once the group catched up to Bakugou. Mina held a teasing look on her face as she looked at Bakugou's arm that was draped across your shoulder.

Bakugou clicked his tongue before he took your hand and pulled your away from the group. "What the-- what about the others?!" You asked.

"Leave them." Bakugou mumbled once he stopped. You looked behind you, seeing Shinsou glaring at you while the bakusquad still kept their teasing looks.

"Yes, they're a couple." Shinsou answered Kami's question once Bakugou and you were away. Kiri punched the air in his excitement, "hand me my prize now." He stated, Mina celebrating beside him.

Kami and Sero sighed while Mina and Kirishima celebrated because they won the bet.

"What's with the money?" Shinsou asked.

"Well, we bet on who'll get a girlfriend first, if it's Bakugou or Kaminari." Mina answered, giving Sero and Kaminari a side glance with a smirk on his face.

"We won." Kiri proudly stated. Sero and Kaminari just rolled their eyes at the pink and red head.

5.. 6.. 7.. 8..

I feel like this is just a filler chapter...

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