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5.. 6.. 7.. 8..

Last night, Bakugou was pressured by the bakusquad to say his true feelings about the girl he's been hanging out.

He knows that he likes you, he just doesn't know how to confess or say it to you. It was his first time feeling something like this for someone.

"Bakubro, confess already!" Kirishima exclaimed as he plopped down on Bakugou's bed. Bakugou growled at him which made Kiri sat straight up.

"Shut up." Bakugou snarled before he looked at his homework once again. Kirishima sighed as he looked at his friend.

"She likes you too, I assure you." Kiri said as he stood up and walked towards Bakugou's position and patted his back. Bakugou snarled at him.

"Shut up!" Bakugou repeated, Kiri just shook his head and lied down on Bakugou's bed again. The rest of the bakusquad entered Bakugou's room.

"What the fuck are you all doing here?!" He asked as he slammed his hand on his desk, the rest of the bakusquad flinched as they stared at their friend.

"It's about your friendship with (Y/N)" Mina started, Kiri, Kami, and Sero nodded beside her. Bakugou glared at the pink girl, but he was also curious about what she's going to say.

Bakugou turned around and faced the 4. "What about it?" He asked, looking at them one by one.

Mina gulped before she continued, "I think it's not considered as 'friendship' anymore." She hesitantly answered as she looked away from Bakugou's piercing red eyes.

"EH?!" Bakugou mumbled as he glared at the pink female. "What the fuck do you mean?" He asked.

"It's obvious that you like (Y/N)." Kirishima said, the other three nodding their heads to what Kiri just said. Bakugou glared at the red head.

"And I think you should confess first before Shinsou does!" Kaminari exclaimed as he stood up from where he sat. Kiri, Sero, and Mina looked at the lightning freak with disbelief.

"Kaminari's dead." Sero muttered to himself. The three looked at each other before they shook their heads in dissaproval.

Kaminari just said something that isn't true, something they didn't discuss. The plan was to force or help Bakugou make a plan on how to confess to you, there was no Shinsou involved in the plan. But now there is.

"Get out." Bakugou muttered as he held a scary look.

"But Bakug-" Kaminari got cut off by Bakugou's growl. "I said, GET OUT!" The angry ash blonde exclaimed.

Mina and the rest quickly stood up and walked out of the door. Once they were outside, Mina immediately glared at Kaminari.

"What was that Shinsou thing?! That wasn't part of the plan!" Mina exclaimed as she walked alongside Sero. Kaminari scratched the back of his head as he chuckled awkwardly.

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