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I'm back to updating... this chapter have a long timeskip.

 this chapter have a long timeskip

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5.. 6.. 7.. 8..

A week has passed, Bakugou was done with his house arrest and he's been attending some training for those who didn't pass the provisionals exams.

Those who have hero work though were so heroic and saved a little girl from a child abuser. A lot had happened in the span of one week, Bakugou's relationship with you, I mean friendship, has evolved much more. From kissing your cheeks to sneakily kissing the side of your lips.

Everyone was busy doing their own thing, practices, hero works, and many more. But here you are, doing your most hated subject's project. It was a long project that required some attention and a very precise output.

Good thing that Shinsou is your partner, he's been doing some thing about yours and his project, you help from time to time but because of you totally not knowing anything that was happening, you were better off as an assistant, ready to help when he orders you to.

Due to this project, you only had a small amount of time to give Bakugou. A text here and nothing more because you needed to help the purple haired guy.

This irked Bakugou. He stood up from his bed and walked towards his teacher's quarters. Once he arrived, he immediately knocked, the male at the other side of the door stood up to answer the knock at the door.

Aizawa opened the door revealing an ash blonde standing infront of it, "What do you need, Bakugou?" The tired man asked.

"I wanna visit 1C's dormitory." Bakugou immediately went straight to the point. His tired teacher raised his brow at him, "Why?" They asked.

"The same reason as (Y/N)" he simply answered as he looked away. The teacher sighed before he nodded his head, "but you can't sleep over." Aizawa added. Bakugou secretly rolled his eyes before he agreed to his teacher's condition.

He bid farewell to Aizawa before he headed straight to the door, his classmates were busy with their own stuffs that they didn't notice the leaving ash blonde.

As he neared 1C Alliance, Bakugou speedwalked towards the door and knocked. You were stucked in your room with Shinsou and you didn't even know that Bakugou was visiting so there's no chance that you're going to open the door.

A few seconds and a black haired girl opened the door, her eyes widened at the sight of the ash blonde infront of her. "Oh god! Bakugou!" Himari exclaimed as she covered her mouth with her hand.

Bakugou glared at the said girl but didn't say anything. 'He's here. He's here. He's here.' Himari chanted inside of her mind.

"Come in, Bakugou." Himari opened the door wide enough for Bakugou to enter. Once Bakugou was inside, he immediately searched the room with his eyes for any signs of you.

"I'm Himari by the way! It's nice that you visited our dorms." Himari enthusiastically said, trying to catch the boy's attention.

Bakugou looked at her which made her smile even more.

"Where's (Y/N)'s room?" Bakugou asked as he slipped his hands inside of his pocket. Himari's flame of joy died down. Himari sighed before she answered.

"Third floor, her door's decorated with (fave thing)" Himari stated, her voice not carrying the usual glee in it. Bakugou just nodded before he turned around, about to start walking when Himari talked once again.

"I can come with you! I'll also tour you around." She offered, her smile back on track. But Bakugou declined once again as he took out his phone and dialed your number.

2 rings before you answered the phone. "Baby, i'm in your dorm's common room." Bakugou greeted as soon as you answered.

Himari felt her heart drop once again when she heard what Bakugou called you. 'Damn (Y/N)' she thought.

"WHAT?! Have you asked permission from both of our teachers?" You asked, Shinsou glared at you when you shouted because you disturbed him.

"Just from Aizawa. I'll ask permission from your teacher now." He ended the call after that. He looked at the girl who was behind him. "Where's your teacher's quarters." Bakugou asked.

"Follow me." Himari smiled, because of what she said, Bakugou rolled his eyes at her before he nodded.

'Dumb extra obviously likes me.' He thought as Himari lead the way and he followed behind her. "So uh, what's up? What are you up to these days, Bakugou?" Himari walked slower.

Himari tried to prolong their walk but Bakugou's pace didn't go slow and just stayed normal.

"I just want to fucking hang out with (Y/N), now show me where the damn teacher's quarter is!" He exclaimed, his piercing vermilion orbs glaring at the girl.

Himari gulped before she walked faster, 'god how does (Y/N) tolerate his attitude?!' Himari thought as she pointed at the door infront of her.

"Here." She said. "I'm gonna go now. Have fun with your baby." She rolled her eyes as she walked away. Bakugou didn't care and just entered the room so that he could get permission from your teacher.

Your teacher asked him questions just like Aizawa. But it was not hard to get her approval.

Bakugou was now in the third floor, searching for a door covered with stickers of (fave thing). One door opened a few door infront of him, Shinsou walked out.

"Hey purple freak!" Bakugou called, Shinsou raised his eyebrows as he stayed in his position, not even bothering to walk towards the ash blonde.

"Where's (Y/N)?" Bakugou asked, Shinsou slowly raised his hand to point at the door beside him. Bakugou just nodded and Shinsou did the same before he walked away.

Bakugou entered your room, it was just the same as your room at your own home, except that your dorm room was smaller. You smiled and gestured Bakugou to seat when you saw him.

"What was Shinsou doing inside of your fucking room?" He immediately asked as he took a seat at your desk. You looked at him with disbelief but soon shrugged it off and answered.

"It's for that damn subject's project." You said as you lied down once again on your bed. Bakugou just nodded and glanced at your work sprawled across your desk.

■■■■next chap

"Ask me a question."

"What question?"

5.. 6.. 7.. 8..

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