Chapter 16

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"Mr. Rowe, there's a new batch completed. Want us to move on to testing?" one of the assistants shouted to him as he walked through the warehouse. He nodded to the young man and proceeded checking on the pills that were being produced. They had an odd color to them-- it wasn't green, but it wasn't white, it was strange-- they were about the size of lima bean but in a flat circle shape. They were to be taken through mouth, and made for humans.

He approached the office at the end of the assembly line and walked inside, Mr. Clermont was sitting at the desk waiting for him to arrive with a curt smile. "Ah, you finally showed." William said with a roll of the eyes.  

"Yes, I had other business to attend to beforehand."

"Well, thats besides the point now isn't it?" He smirked.

"Of course, let's get started. Testing is to begin as soon as possible I've heard. Who are we starting with?"

"Some fire wielding kid who got thrown in the slammer for being a pyromaniac and lighting up his house. No casualties, but he has a year in there." Mr. Clermont said with disgust. It was a well known fact that the Clermont's and Rowe's hated mages-- or people who were skilled with using magic-- and thats being nice about it. William had never been good with his soul. He always found it difficult to produce a simple bullet or even see other people's souls, Mr. Rowe had the same issue.

They wouldn't have been so uptight about the whole thing if not for the reputation mages had. They almost automatically got popular or rich just because they were puny magicians. It pissed off the two men, and led them to swear that they would make a name for themselves and put down the mages. Basically, expose them for who they "really" were. It was a silly pact that they had forgotten about throughout highschool, but they approached each other about it during their college days, which resulted in the current standing company.

"Good thing no one got hurt, and we're seeing if this will limit his magic or completely cut him off from it?" Rowe asked curiously, he handled a lot more of the monetary side of the company rather than the pharmacy part of it.

"Hopefully completely cut him off, but it should stop him from being aflame for too much longer. He's up in recovery right now and should be in Dr. Grant and my daughters care." He spoke calmly to the man standing tall in front of him.

"You seriously employed your daughter, I thought you were joking about that because if you're forgetting, she isn't a doctor Will." Mr. Rowe spoke fiercely with a harsh glare towards the seated man, who in turn rolled his eyes.

"Well, she isn't doing anything that needs her to be a doctor. She studies psychology already so it should be quite alright. The physical stuff is handled by Dr. Herthway anyways." William spoke with such causality which made Mr. Rowe seeth.

"William you can't be serious about this. If she lets it slip--"

"Wyatt can't you trust me? We've been friends for a century and you still don't think I can't keep my daughter on a leash? I've used every mean necessary in order to get her on the right team. Don't you dare downplay my efforts." William spat into Wyatt's face as he stood up from the chair he was seated in.

"You're being completely reckless! This is by far the stupidest decision you've made. It's up there with-"

"Don't. You. Dare." William interrupted and pushed Wyatt away from him. "Mrs. Hanthe, please go check on how the patient is doing in recovery. I wouldn't want something bad to happen to the employees." He finished and sat back in his chair, Amy rushed out of the room with her shoulders pushed back and her lips pressed into a thin line.

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