part ten

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Lydia Styles

Two days later, we boarded a private plane to Venice, Italy.

Harry and I spent a peaceful couple of days with Daisy, and last night we packed our suitcases and prepared for a three day trip to what seemed like the other side of the world.

Louis was bringing Eliza along, which made me happy because now I'd have my best friend in Italy with me. She had Elijah spending these next three days with her parents.

Nick, Louis, Niall, Eliza, and Harry and I were all on this expensive plane. The man we were going to Italy for paid for our entire trip.

His name was Matteo Ricci. That's what Nick told us as we all boarded the plane. He's in his 50's. He's very rich and powerful. And he's well respected in Venice—a celebrity even.

We were six hours into an 11 hour flight. This plane was nice because we could easily get up and walk around and it was very spacious.

All of us were sitting on a couch-like cushioned area, and there was every type of alcohol we could ever want in front of us.

We'd been drinking for the past hour, all of us tipsy and in great moods.

I was sitting on Harry's lap, perfectly content and not a single worry in my head. I haven't felt this care free in a while. The only thing that would make it better is if Daisy were with us, but I know she's safe with my mom and dad.

"I cant believe we're on our way to Venice." Eliza says in awe, looking out one of the airplane windows.

"I hope you guys are prepared for the best three days of your life." Nick says. "Matteo called me personally yesterday and said he can't wait to meet you."

"What's this party he's hosting going to be like?" Harry asks out of curiosity.

Nick shrugs. "He didn't tell me much, just that they're quite fancy and ball-like. So you guys will have to show up in gowns and suits."

The guys groan at the thought of dressing up, making Eliza and I laugh slightly. They haven't been in suits since Harry and I's wedding. They despised the idea of being fancy.

I turn my head slightly to look at Harry. "I personally can't wait to see you all dressed up." I smile.

His aggravated expression falls into a small smile. "Yeah?" he says.

I nod. "Mhm. You look great in suits."

He brings his lips to mine and quickly pecks them. "Thank you baby."

"Gross." Niall mutters, making Harry roll his eyes.

I was more than excited to be in Italy with these people that I considered to be my closest friends. I've always fantasized about traveling with Harry, but I just always figured it wasn't in the cards for us.

Admittedly there was a part of me that was slightly worried, because over the course of these years I've learned that we always have to expect the unexpected.

But, Harry doesn't seem worried at I won't let my own cloudy mind ruin our trip.

In fact, Harry's only concern right now at this very second was getting the both of us somewhere private. For the past ten minutes, he'd been subtly running his hand up and down my leg, then moved to my arm.

I looked around, seeing that the rest of the group was distracted.

So, I decided to have a little bit of fun.

While still on his lap, I lean forward and grab a green grape from a large bowl that was on the table in front of us. His fingers trace the length of my arm as he watches my actions closely.

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