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y/n pov:

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y/n pov:

I woke up to the faint sound of the rain hitting my window, it was a rather gloomy day but that didn't change how excited I was; it was finally happening my third year at Hogwarts. I hope this year is normal and doesn't contain the chaotic events the last two years did, but that didn't affect the amount of excitement and adrenaline that was rushing throughout my body.

"Y/n come downstairs please" Mother shouts for me.

I slide out of bed my feet hitting the cold marble floor a shiver runs through my entire body as if ice was running through my veins, I look around my room for a hoodie to quickly throw on, and that's when I spot it a black sweater with a bright red "your first initial" sewn onto the front of it, a gift given to me by none other then the Molly Weasley. I quickly throw in over my head and run downstairs and into the kitchen where my mother is.

"Ah, Molly will be so excited to see you wearing that" she exclaims.

I simply just smile and sit down at the table Twinky my house-elf comes up to me and places down a bowl of cereal.

"Thank you Twinky" I say with a smile.

Twinky simply smiles and walks away.

"Hurry darling the Weasleys are expecting your arrival in 20 minutes"

I quickly finish my food and rush upstairs I change into a pair of light wash jeans and leave my sweater on. I grab my coin pouch and my trunk and then quickly rush back downstairs. My mother hands me a small pot full of floo powder.

"You know what to do" she says with a somewhat sad smile.

I give her a soft smile and quickly give her a hug, I quickly grab a handful of Floo powder.

"The Burrow" I say confidently

a quick green light flashes and find myself in the fireplace of none other than the Weasley residence otherwise known as the burrow.

"If that isn't y/n y/l/n" Molly exclaims giving me the warmest hug anyone could ever receive

"and I see you're wearing the sweater I knit for you" she says with a bright smile

"I missed you so much" I say hugging her back just as tight

Molly Weasley is like a second mom to me, if anything she's like a real mother to me, you see I have no idea who my real parents are my whole life I've been told my real mom died shortly after giving birth to me and my father is apparently locked up in Azkaban for supporting the dark lord and selling his two closest friends out to him. I don't know who either of my parents are but I don't want to know. I'm thankful for the people who took me in and raised me as their own.

Molly releases me from her grip and I take a step back and look around. I quickly spot my three best friends, Ron, Hermione, and Harry. It feels like yesterday that I met them on the Hogwarts express and instantly clicked with the trio.

"Hermione, Ron, Harry" I exclaim with such joy.

They all turn around and their faces light up, they run towards me the three of them tackling me into a big bear hug.

"I missed you three so much" I say a tear threatening to escape from my eye.

I quickly turn around and wipe the tear from my cheek, I'm not normally the emotional type but I haven't seen or heard from any of them all summer due to my "mother" freaking out about some prisoner that escaped in Azkaban she was for whatever reason scared he would find me.

"We missed you too" Ron says his ears turning a light shade of red.

before I could say anything I hear someone running down the stairs I turn around to see who it was but before I could see or even react I'm knocked down to the ground by none other than the Fred Weasley.

"Well hello to you too" I giggle slightly pushing the red hair boy off of me allowing myself to get up.

"You have no idea how much I missed you, summer was so boring without you here me and George could only do so many pranks without you I-"

I quickly cut off the rambling boy by wrapping my arms around his torso and burying my head into his chest.

"I missed you too" I say a feeling of comfort washing over me.

Ever since first year I've had feelings for Fred he was perfect in almost every single way, I don't know if he feels the same but it's like every time I see him my heart skips a beat it's as if the only people in the world are me and him and I feel whole I feel safe.

"Oh will you look at the time, we need to get going now" Molly says hurriedly.

She shoos me into the fireplace and hands me the pot of floo powder.

"Diagon Alley" I say confident and clearly.

I find myself seeing that familiar green flash and then there I am in Diagon Alley, I quickly step out of the fireplace place and wait for my friends. First comes Ron then Harry, Hermione, Fred, George, and finally Molly Weasley hand in hand with her second-year daughter Ginny.

Hermione grabs my hand and quickly drags me away from everyone else Ron and Harry tailing behind us.

"You know Fred couldn't stop talking about you all summer" Ron says a smirk playing among his thin slips.

I quickly feel my face heat up and look down in order to avoid anyone noticing.

As if all my prayers had been answered Arthur Weasley suddenly turns the corner.

"Could I borrow you two" he askes his hand resting on mine and Harry's shoulders.

Me and Harry exchange confused looks but agree nontheless

Arthur Weasley quickly pulls us around the corner into a small secluded area.

"The ministry strongly disagrees with me telling you this but I feel you need to know the fatcs" he says taking a shaky breath.

"As you both know the infamous Sirius Black has escaped from Azkban" he states nervouness lining his face.

"Okay but how does this involve me and y/n" Harry says clearly nervous to hear Arthur's response.

Arthur pauses for a moment and looks as if he is recollecting his thoughts.


"I just wanted you two to know speaking as the last two school years have been eventful enough as it is with the Philosphers stone and then the Chamber of Secrets" Arthurs states clearly lying.

"Hm okay" I say giving him stiff smile and then pulling Harry away with me.

"I have a feeling this isnt going to be the normal lowkey year I was hoping for" I think aloud as we make our way back to our two best friends.

"Me too" Harry states "Me too".


That's it the first chapter!! I know it may have been a little slow and boring but I promise it will get way better as the story progresses, If you have any comments, advice, constructive criticism please let me know in the comments I will read them all :)

I hope you all have/had a lovely day don't forget you are loved.


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