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y/n pov:

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y/n pov:

Fred and I made our way to the stands, Hermione and Ron trailing behind us now. Throughout our whole walk out there I could feel the stares others were giving me burning into the back of my head, it felt like everywhere we went someone was whispering something about me or the incident that happened in DADA.

Either way, it was not a good feeling just sitting in the stands having everyone stare at you, and whisper about you. I think Hermione could tell I was quite uncomfortable because she grabbed my arm pulling me up and proceeded to drag me towards the champion's tent.

"Hermione what are you doing?" I say pulling my arm out of her grasp.

"We are going to see Harry and Ron won't come with me because he's still mad" She says opening the tent and walking in.

She quickly engulfs Harry in a hug and I do the same right after. Harry and Hermione began talking and she was making sure he was alright and I was just kind of awkwardly standing there waiting to get a word in with Harry.

While I was standing there waiting someone tapped my shoulder causing me to whip my head around.

It was Cedric.

"Oh Cedric, Hey" I say surprised.

"hey, how are you? I know you and Harry are close, you must be scared as well" He says giving me a soft smile.

"I'm alright, yes a little nervous but Harry can handle himself" I say confidently.

Cedric just lets out a small chuckle and we both stand there as an awkwardness began forming a thick layer in the air. I finally open my mouth to speak.

"Well good luck"

"Thank you" He says opening his arms for a hug.

I give him an awkward hug before swiftly turning on my heel and taking a step towards Harry, I once again wrap my arms around him and whisper into his ear.

"It's alright okay? You're going to be fine. If anything gets out of hand I will protect you" I say trying to reassure the boy I considered my brother.

He gives me a soft smile before Dumbledore walks in shooing me and Hermione out of the tent.

Hermione and I walk back to the stands in silence, not that weird awkward silence but a comfortable silence.

Once we reach the stands I take my seat beside Fred with George on the other side of him.

The event begins and all three champions get their golden eggs quite easily, first was Cedric, then Fleur, and then Viktor.

Finally, it was Harry's turn to go and I honestly was probably more nervous than him.

I think Fred could tell I was nervous because he grabbed my hand and gave it a light squeeze while looking down at me giving me a reassuring smile.

Harry didn't do too bad, there was a moment where I thought he had died due to the fact that he was out of sight for 10 minutes but then he came flying back into the arena and swiftly grabbing the egg and returning back to safety.

Soon after the first task was over all of Gryffindor made their way to the common room to celebrate and congratulate Harry. While on my way over there Fred stopped me and pulled me aside and we waited till all the other students passed.

"I just wanted to talk the longer way, spend more time with you" he says while looking down sheepishly.

"You don't need an excuse to spend more time with me" I say grabbing his hand and interlocking my fingers with his.

Fred and I weren't official and we weren't dating but I felt like there was some sort of unspoken rule between us that we were committed but uncommitted to each other in a way.

Fred pulled me into the forest where we followed a path towards the castle. The slight glow from the moon reflected off his face giving him an angelic glow.

Fred suddenly stopped dead in his tracks and turned so he was now facing me.

"You're beautiful" He says tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

I feel my cheeks heat up and I look at him with complete admiration in my eyes.

"You're not too bad yourself, Weasley" I say smirking.

Fred smiled before slowly leaning in while resting one hand on my cheek.

Our lips connected causing the feeling of a thousand butterflies in my stomach.

We pull away resting our foreheads against each other.

This moment was all I wanted to feel forever, pure bliss, pure happiness, I felt safe.

I look down at Fred's hands taking notice of the watch on his wrist.

"Bloody hell Fred look at the time" I say grabbing his hand and running towards the castle.

We made it back inside right before curfew, both of us out of breath walking into the common room.

"Well I wonder what happened between you two" George says smirking at the two of us causing the whole common to go quiet.

I feel like I lived through this moment already.

"Ew, what's going on" a voice I could only describe as slimy and disgusting speaks from the back of the room.


"Bloody hell Angelina shut up for two seconds" I say rolling my eyes and walking to my dorm.

I sit on my bed before remembering I needed to send an owl to Sirius.

I quickly pull out a piece of parchment and a quill and begin writing.

"Dear Padfoot,

I miss you so much, I wish I could see you dad. Anyways early today in DADA Professor Moody bloody EXPOSED me in front of the whole class, he lifted my hair up showing my scar and told the whole class I was with Harry that night and that I survived. I don't know why or how he even knew but it creeped me. I love you.

Please write back soon,

Your daughter."

With that, I fold up the piece of parchment and hand it to Hedwig who was perched on the window sill in my room.

I collapse in my bed slowly replaying what had just happened with Fred over and over again in my head, I couldn't believe it Fred Weasley finally likes me, at least I think so.

As the perfect Scenario played over and over in my head I slowly drifted off to sleep.


That's Chapter 15!! For the next upcoming chapters, I have lots of drama hehe.

As always let me know what you think, as your opinion and thoughts are very important to me :) I want this story to be as enjoyable as possible for you!


You are loved. Especially by me <3

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